A sexual act by which one participant blows their nose into the scrotum of their partner, causing intense pleasure. Typically performed while having a cold.
I'm out of Kleenex. Looks like its time for your scrotie handkerchief, babe.
The excess skin hanging from the but.
Yo mana did u see her narst scroti?
A person with attributes to the likeness of a Beavis or a Butt-Head.
Two or more sacks containing teticles.
When Johnny's balls first dropped, they came in one at a time until there were four altogether in two sacks, making him a freak of nature with one more than necessary package, two scrotis.
The act of having 3 or more ballbags placed on top of each other whilst pouring liquor down them into someone’s mouth on the bottom.
Ol’ lurchy boy finally conquered the scroti falls