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Watching your partner have sex with another person as a form of fore-play.

Kim and I are into sharing.

by Franziskaner February 9, 2010

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To share with one another

You have plenty of blanket left, be shareful.

by Southern.jdm January 21, 2019

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The art of being nice and giving to others a portion of what one has.
share sharing
ration cut part
portion allowance

Jerri is a very shareful person; she always gives a portion of her lunch to her coworkers.

by mactwisted October 10, 2009

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Share this!

An aggressive expletive supplement to an obscene hand gesture (typically upraised middle finger) directed at someone the insulting party believes to be a heavy user of web-based computer services that feature "share this" links. An up-dated variant on the now-tiresome practice of withdrawing a hand from a pocket while simultaneously uttering, "I've got something for you," only to reveal the aforementioned obscene hand gesture.

While standing in a lengthy, pre-dawn line at an Apple Store that is rumored to have incoming stock of recently-released iPad2 tablets available, an individual at the back of the line objects loudly to a guy joining someone at the front of the line. The line-cutter turns to the objector, raises a middle finger and states menacingly, "Hey, dweeb, Share this!"

by TrumanBurbank April 9, 2011

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I am a dumbass who date guys with small dicks

β€œI am a dumbass because I spelt sharing as shareing”

by DumbRoast69 May 7, 2018

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It doesn’t exist

Sarah: (eating a box of cookies)
Tim: you should share
Sarah: Sharing doesn’t exist

by Sarah’s Dictionary August 10, 2018

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Sharing is caring is communist propaganda

Teacher:"c'mon kids sharing is caring!"
Kid:"man look at this commie bastard!"

by Twenty one pilots saved my lif November 7, 2019

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