Source Code


When engaging in anal with a woman, the woman craps diarrhea on your penis, effectively spraying it on and around your penis, usually in the pubic region.

Man: Aww yeah..

Woman: Oh shit..

Man: Wha- ohgodohgodohgod u just shotgunned me?!?

Woman: Sorry..

Man: Sorry?!?! Get the fuck out!

by JiggleMaster69 October 16, 2012

51๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Taking a drag from a cigarette/cigar, then expelling the smoke into someone's mouth (usually your girlfriend) while they inhale it. Like an open-mouthed kiss, except with smoke involved.

Dude, look at those 2 shotgunning! She looks like she's enjoying it.

by Jenni N. June 13, 2008

555๐Ÿ‘ 267๐Ÿ‘Ž


when u exhale smoke into someone elses mouth

that was a good hit i want shotgun

by poop December 9, 2003

359๐Ÿ‘ 170๐Ÿ‘Ž


The art of drinking bruskies really fast. Done by poking a hole in the bottom of a beer then cracking open the top whilst sucking the hole.

Fuckin' Giv'r, shotgun those brews you pussy!

by SATAN March 2, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The calling of 'dibs' or first take on an 1.object, 2.activity, or 3.person. Little know it can be used outside of calling for a seat in an automobile.

Shotgun is a Man Rule that MUST be upheld by all.

1. "Dude, I got shotgun on the Mt. Dew."
"I so got shotgun on the bed, you're sleeping on the futon."
"If we play madden I got shotgun on the Pats."

2. "Dude, I got shotgun on checking mysapce."
"Shotgun on the first slice of pizza!"
"Shotgun on doing the obstacle course first."

3. "When they break up I got shotgun on insert boy/girl's name
"Shotgun on insert last name here as my Quarterback!"

by Andy Orem November 7, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Shotgun, to claim the passenger seat in the front of the car.

2. Shotgun, to call some object for your own personal use.

3. Shotgun, to call the second hit of a bong, pipe, joint.

4. Shotgun, a shit that won't come out but at the last second a gas pocket behind it shoots it out making it thunk into the toilet with possible recoil spray.

1. where are we drivin?
idk but shotgun!

2. dude who wants to play halo?
shotty first game!

3. man this is some dank shit i'm callin greens on this!

4. oh man i would not use that bathroom for a couple minutes i just shotgunned all over the toilet.
duuuude that is disgusting!

by Dr. shokalav July 31, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A category of smoothbore firearm that fires pellets (shot) or slugs. Comes in break-action or pump-action variants. Known to cause fits of unpredictable joy in HMBs.

2. A method of defecation whereby the buttocks are spread prior to discharge.

3. An esoteric form of bukkake. Upon reaching the vinegar strokes, the shotgun initiator must hold his scrotum in one hand and his shaft in the other, and pump between each ejaculation. This is derived from the manner of operating a pump-action shotgun, although the ammunition in question is completely different.

4. Any wedding whereby the groom is extremely morose and the bride is extremely pregnant.

5. A type of corridor-style house where the front door and back door line up and are usually directly connected by a single, straight hallway.

1. The TIE Pilot HuManBing was lying in wait, with his shotgun sight trained on a hill.
His recent work freelancing had tired him of late, so he took some time off for a kill.
Away on a hilltop, cavorting around, effete and effeminate prey,
Were multiple Yoshi, inchoate and dozy, about whom the TIE Pilot said:

"Blood! Blood! Glorious blood! Nothing quite like it to make one feel good!
So slide-shuck your shotgun, assuming you've got one,
And then we'll go pot some for glorious blood!"

(This can be sung to the tune of "The Hippopotamus" if so desired.)

2. Last night, I ate so much curry and then took a shotgun dump, and now my toilet is full of crapnel that won't flush away.

3. "It is inadvisable for neophyte bukkakist to attempt shotgun without presence of trained professional medical team. Please also to ensure that said team is well equipped with defibrillators, Viagra, and large cotton sock in case of emergency." *demure titter, covers face with fan* ~ Speech given at the entrance of the Sapporo Tourist Baths by the geisha guide.

4. Girlfriend: Guess what, Brad!
Boyfriend: You're going to put a stud in your tongue and use ice cubes next time?
Girlfriend: No - I'm pregnant! :D
Boyfriend: SHIT.
Girlfriend: We're going to have a baby! :D
Boyfriend: FUCK.
Girlfriend: There's going to be the pitter-patter of little feet in the house! :D
Boyfriend: ARSE.
Girlfriend: What type of marriage would you like? White or peach?
Boyfriend: SCROTE.
Girlfriend: Ohmygosh I'm going to have to call all my girlfriends so they can come over to coo and fawn solicitously in a sickening display of female hormonal Pavlovian response! :D
Boyfriend: TIT.
Girlfriend: What's the matter, dear? I sense a divergence of our emotive dispositions at this juncture.
Girlfriend: Well, my Daddy's a federal marshal. We *could* make it a Magnum funeral, if you prefer.
Boyfriend: ...
Girlfriend: (singing, unhelpfully) Goin' to the cha-pel an' we're - gonna get ma-a-a-ried...

5. Agent Powell, here are your mission objectives:
A) Ride SHOTGUN with the Ret. Gen. to the Crawford rural area.
B) Approach SHOTGUN ranch through front door.
C) Force entry using rifled slug ammunition in SHOTGUN to remove the locking mechanism.
D) De-elect the resident with a SHOTGUN to the face.
E) Locate and de-elect the vice-resident with a SHOTGUN to the face.
F) After which, lower trousers and apply generous SHOTGUN to the face.
G) Spray Lysol in the air. It is the polite thing to do.

by HMB December 18, 2004

615๐Ÿ‘ 336๐Ÿ‘Ž