An ugly little bitch who is a full creep, who doesn't know the limit between being a douche and a little shit bag, but is usually both. This little bitch thinks that he is so good, but is actually just a stupid little shit who doesn't know. Sid should die in a hole, and no one should come to his funeral because he is a little shitbag filled with puss. I hope no one remembers him, and he dies a very painful death, preferably tortured so he can't walk. If you ever encounter a Sid, be aware, that the little bitch is gonna stalk you, and spend months trying to figure out where you live, and then he will slowly start infiltrating your life and then start spreading rumours that you are dating. Once, you tell a sid to get lost., he will stalk all your socials, and keep a locked file of pictures on his computer. So now u are just annoyed and pissed about a little shitbag, so I advise you to keep your distance and when you get the chance, just kill him.
They find out my car plate number?
Huh! Must be a Siddarth!!
Noun :
An annoying kid who does the following
1.Pushes people
2.Blames it on others
Noun: Oh my god you are such a Surya Siddarth Mulangi
Verb:Surya Siddarth Mulangi