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to go to school at 3o'clock in the morning.

aww dammit.. i have a skizz day at school today. :(

by meowza April 15, 2005

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1: a new type of drug invented in which you take the shavings of soap and stick them in your eye. It will make you see so many colors! *NOTE* most of these colors will be red

2: a new way of saying SKILL but for some reason without the L's

Drug Dealer:" Dude i dont have any more crack but i got something better!"
You:" What?!"
Drug Dealer: " I got Some SKIZZ!!"
You: " i think i just shit my pants!"

Dude iTz xDJ SkiZZx has got some l33t skizz at call of duty

by xDJ SkiZZx July 29, 2009

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used to describe something not working the way it's supposed to.

Damn thing's skizzin out on me again!

by young jables January 7, 2010

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verb.- to both skeet and jizz on someone at the same time. This is a miraculously impressive ejaculation that cannot be described with only one of the two words. When combined, this new word skizz takes ejaculation to a whole new length of awesomeness. Also the name of a parrot pillow pet.

Joe: Dude I just skizzed all over Becky and left.
Tom: I really want to skizz on this girl but she won't let me.

Jen: Hey, do you know where my parrot Skizz is?

by Skizzerizz200 April 27, 2011

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Johnny j skizz

A nickname given to someone who masterbates too much.

I bet that kid is a johnny j skizz.

by Shamoothewhale August 11, 2008

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Skizzed Out

To be tweaking to a major degree. To be jacked up on caffiene or other stimulants. Possibly to a worrysome point.

How much coffee did that kid have? He was mad skizzed out.

by The Boom October 28, 2008

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Conducting a interview without the persons knowledge that they are being interviewed, then making it public.(i.e. on social media)

Dang he/she just got skizzed.

I skizzed them no cap.

by Bmorocco November 29, 2024