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The human bidoof

Slaves used to be just like bidoofs - Person 1

...What? - Person 2

by Omni03 December 22, 2019

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A beautiful queen who looks pretty more pretty then u can ever be. Im doing this because my sister has a video of me calling her a slave

Hey you slave go do the dishes

by November 16, 2020

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Israelites who are tyrannized, brought, sold, & reduced to servile status by conquest. The chattel/capital property of another Race of people, forced through deception and direct violence to obey them. Israelites that are completely subservient to a dominating Race. Colonized bondservant or bondservant transported abroad, Male and Female excessively victimized, dependent and controlled by a more subtil Race. A Israelite who is owned forever and whose children and children's children are automatically subjugated and oppressed .P.O.W. (prisoner of war), Inmate
Deuteronomy 28:15-68

Who do you think of when you think slave in America?

by Onias Ben israel July 25, 2019

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National slave pick my crops 20 cents

Aaron my slave

by Badclips December 6, 2019

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Black Person

Marcus: Iโ€™m a slave lol

by Mick0421 April 5, 2019

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A nanny forced to see to every whim of children that do not belong to her for very meagre pay

"George don't do that" said the Nanny.
"Get me my milk!"
"Push me on the swing!"
"Pick those toys I just threw on the ground up!"
"Make me breakfast!"
"Make me lunch!"
"Make me dinner!"
"Get me icecream!"
"No" said the nanny

by Bells8 September 20, 2009

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Being one doesn't feel good. Even FEELING like one is bad.

Iam "Ok, back to the 'ethic' thing I touched on earlier. I find (when I talk to the liberal types) that at the core of their disagreement with the conservatives there is one commonality across all issues (maybe not all but a few)..."

Hym "I hate breaking character... That's really going to bug me... Look what you did!"

Iam "... Sorry, ignore Hym. Ok. Here's the commonality. They don't want to be a slave to someone else's ethic. Whether it's abortion or inclusion or the war on drugs. In recent years, they've (or at least the radicals) have overcorrected by trying to impose they're own ethic on the rest of the world. The problem being; it's completely incoherent at times and doesn't coincide with objective reality at others. On the other side, you have a mostly religious ethic that is unfalsifiable in nature and you have people who fail to adhere to their own ethical system..."

Hym "Don't ignore me!"

Iam "That's a problem I have as well. I don't want the prerequisite for my associations to be my begrudged adherence to someone else's ethic. Did I say that right? Does that make any sense? Maybe I'm just projecting..."

by Hym Iam May 11, 2022

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