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Spit your game

To Flirt with a girl.

Hey Rob what are you doing. Im spitting my game with Julia and she is really liking it.
Ooh. You spit your game really good Rob.

by IOwnandpoon July 19, 2008

73👍 37👎

spit internet game

to hit on someone via the interent

yo, that party was full of lame white dudes that spend their time spitting internet game at highschool girls

by some white dude July 22, 2003

8👍 16👎

spit your game

Telling someone to show off/flex on you in an argumentative manner. kind of like saying "show me what you got". often said after being made fun of or "roasted".

Jack says "your boring and you suck" Jon replies "Spit your game Jack you got nothing on me"

by yo(biological)mom September 2, 2022

i spit mad game

baller, boss, crumpin, Nam, Spat mad game, swag, not swog

I spit mad game in Nam while crumpin with swag, bro.

by Vietnam February 16, 2012

Spitting Game

The ‘Spitting Game’ is a game to see how far someone can spit.
Materials needed:
- Red Tape
-Place to partake in this activity
Gather 1 (or more friend!) and mark a red line on the floor. Then, you and your friends will take turns spitting. Whoever reaches the red line and/or goes over has won the ‘Spitting Game’
If there is a tie, mark the red line further and retry the ‘Spitting Game’ over and over until there is a tiebreaker/concise winner.
The prize of the ‘Spitting Game’ can be whatever of your choice,

John: Dude, i tried spitting game with Rick and Emily!
William: So cool dude! How’d it go?
John: I WON! I spit the best game, y’know me!

by metogood2 December 25, 2024