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a dickhead who spoils a movie like endgame

hey your a spoiler

by big boy ross May 22, 2019


A candidate in a campaign whose chances of winning are near zero but still may garner enough votes as to cause the loss of one of the leading candidates.

Ralph Nader was a spoiler in the 2000 elections, he took votes from Al Gore.

by Matt I July 22, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


To remove spoilers from a description, especially a movie or TV summary, that might otherwise give away the ending or a plot twist to the unsuspecting reader. Can either be done by omitting spoiler content entirely, or by masking it on a web page in a way that the user has to click through or highlight text to read it.

You should spoilerize that movie review better, so people don't find out he was dead all along.

by jschuur November 24, 2010


Another acronym for the police, used in the same way as 'gavvers', 'feds' etc

Oh look out, here come the spoilers. Let's whistle the Laurel & Hardy tune to annoy them

by lexy February 24, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. noun, The wing or foil at the rear of a car providing downforce, often made with form rather than function in mind, to adorn the rear of the cars driven around your town centre by mouth-breathers who think they're in The Fast & the Furious.

2. noun, A piece of information likely to ruin dramatic tension in any piece of entertainment if discovered too early. Usually any plot development revealed more than a third of the way through the story. She's a man, he's a ghost, it's his sledge, he's a clone, etc.

3. verb, To ruin any piece of entertainment by revealing such information.

4. verb, To protect others from entertainment being ruined by obscuring such information from them.

1. Look at that mean spoiler on his Honda, it goes well with the over-sized exhaust pipe.

2. I would tell you who Kaizer Soze is, but it's a massive spoiler.

3. Please don't spoiler Bioshock Infinite for me, I can't play it until after my exams.

4. I wish you'd spoilered that Breaking Bad post, I'm only on season two.

by adkm1979 March 27, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spoilers are experts from the real boom or story, that you may not know of yet. This is to tell you that if you have not read the book or story but plan to, but don't want to ruin it, to not read that fanfiction. The parts of the novel you may not know yet are written in the text. See fanfiction for more information on those.

"Hey Sarah, this now HP fic has spoilers in it for the new book. Should I read it?"

"Not if you want the boom to be a surprise, Judy".

by Jennvellcs November 2, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a book, movie or whatever could easily be ruined by spoilers then it is very spoilerable.

Do not read anything about that Korean movie "Oldboy". It is very spoilerable.

by FriendofAlice August 6, 2017