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Sperm Spritzer

The act of a male capping his peehole when he is about to ejaculate therefore building up pressure. When he cant hold it in anymore it is sprayed on the females face. Can also be done to a males face for homosexuals, which is dubbed the New York Sperm Spritzer.

Larry was feeling frisky so he capped his cock when he came and sprayed it on Amanda's face giving her the SPERM SPRITZER

by bunghole bandit April 9, 2010

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Balcony Spritzer

The act of masturbating on and ejaculating off of the balcony of a hotel or apartment.

I stayed at a hotel last night and gave the cars below a balcony spritzer.

by Mrylin Sprtizer January 10, 2009

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golden spritzer

When you pee right before sex and don't give it that last shake, then proceed to go directly to the mushroom tap and spritz her face with the urine residuals.

Dude, she didn't even flinch when I gave her the golden spritzer. This relationship has potential.

by Gdog Pounder September 2, 2010

Scandinavian Spritzer

As itinerant Scandinavians began to settle in the Pacific Northwest during the early 1900's, they often gathered into communities to retain their traditions and practices. One such practice, known as the Scandinavian Spritzer, continues to withstand the test of time as long-standing tradition for thanking your neighbors. When introduced to the Pacific Northwest it endeared the Scandinavian immigrants to the locals almost immediately.

Whenever a helpful neighbor (or group of helpful neighbors) would help out an elderly widowed woman in the village, she would repay them with the Spritzer. After first offering a plate of decoy cookies to lower their guard, the elderly woman would raise her skirt, pinch her labia together, and force her urine out. The pinched labia would redirect her urine back across her perineum, where it gathered additional musk and essence, before spraying outward from betwixt her tightly clenched buttocks. The resulting spray would be finely atomized and highly aromatic. This was a coveted reward, and as such created an atmosphere of willing and able neighbors.

Gigi Ulla Gave Mitchell and Julian a dank Scandinavian Spritzer after distracting them with a plate of warm cookies. They knew it was worth changing those smoke detector batteries!

by TRAIL BOSS October 27, 2022


A man who adds fruit to a wine spritzer. Also know as a tinto de verano.

Ma'am, may I have a man-spritzer.

by Chief guac July 5, 2017

CSI spritzer

A cocktail composed of Bailey's, milk, and grenadine. Meant to replicate the ubiquitous blood (grenadine) and semen (milk) that are constantly found splattered all over everything on the show.

Originally envisioned by Glenn Thompson, a writer for Cracked.com.

"Bartender, one CSI spritzer, please."

by m00tw00t June 3, 2013

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Jizz Spritzer

Its where your doing a girl in the ass and you jizz in her ass and she farts in your face and it spritzes all over your face, kinky i know...

"Yeah i heard about Jake getting a jizz spritzer too, hes still trying to get all the stuff out of his hair"

by Retarded Dwarf September 30, 2009

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