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Stage 5 Cancer

The thing you get when feminists speak, or when you hear something that so deeply disgusts you about the human race.

See I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

*overhears* "Males make more than females for the same job! This is why we needed a women's march. So empowering. Go vaginas am I right?"
"This is giving me cancer. I have just been diagnosed with stage 5 cancer. Kill me now please."

"Nobody understands me. Maybe I should just post on Instagram about cutting myself . Green Day saved my life.. I don't know what I would have done without them..."
"You just gave me stage 5 terminal death cancer. You realized the world sucks so join the club and stop being emo . Now I can't even live because I have stage five cancer and i'm dead. Thanks."

by pikachu10or February 15, 2017

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

stage 5-clinger

a dumb bitch, who complains, moans and bitches about her crushes new girlfriend.

Sami: "Whoes Edward's new girlfriend?"
Emily: "I dunno some red-headed slut."
Sami: "Sounds like a bitch"
Emily: "She is"

*Proceeds to make every facebook status about her "boyfriend" that never was, and his new girlfriend.*

Kelli: "Did you see what she posted?"
Heidi: "Dude she's a stage 5-clinger"

by H&K Inc. October 20, 2011

22πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

Stage 5 Super Terminal Cancer

When you see something so irredeemably cringey on the internet that you reach levels of cancer not previously thought possible.

Whenever I read a trend on Twitter, I get Stage 5 Super Terminal Cancer

by my name is not billy July 27, 2020

5 Stages of Trumpgrief

The worldwide grief process related to all of the losses we’ve been facing because of Putin’s Pawn having become the US President.

The 5 Stages of Trumpgrief are as follows:
1. Denial: in the beginning when none of us could believe it was really true.
2. Anger: soon after the Inauguration when we all realized he can’t think.
3. Bargaining: in our dreams we entertained the now absurd idea that Pence could be the better one to step in.
4. Depression: the point at which it became obvious that a mass clinical depression had kicked in and that it was time to stop watching the news altogether.
5. Acceptance: where we have all come to realize and somehow accept that so many US citizens across the income spectrum resonated with his lowbrow mafiosi thinking and white supremacist hatred of constitutional law and that the only thing we can do now is light a fire under ourselves to vote his dumb ass out of office.

by Dr Bunnygirl November 11, 2019

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5 Stages of Grief

1- Denial
2- Anger
3- Bargaining
4- Depression
5- Acceptance

person A: My aunt has been through the 5 Stages of Grief since Biden won the election !
person B: Isn't she over-reacting ?
person A: Nah my uncle died of shock when he learnt that Trump lost.

by Ragondin November 18, 2020

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

5 Stages of Being Ginger

All gingers go through 5 stages in their life, like the 5 stages of grief.

1. Denial - They blindly believe they are 'strawberry blonde' and not ginger. LIES
2. Anger - Why me?!? Usually a period of blaming the parents
3. Bargaining - They start begging and wishing that their hair will change, or maybe a different hairstyle will hide the fact that they are ginger. Its not gonna happen i'm afraid
4. Depression - An overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, usually leads to lots of masturbation.
5. Acceptance - The ginger realises there is nothing they can do, and prepares them self for the endless insults.

Tony: Ha the poor bastard is on stage 4

Friend: His cock is gonna be raw by the end of the week

5 Stages of being ginger

by Kaiiizr February 13, 2010

47πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Trump's 5 Stages of Grief

Denial - He insists the election is mistaken, and clings to a preferable reality. "I won."
Anger – Denial cannot continue, there was no election fraud. "Why me? It's not fair!

Bargaining – "If I disown my family, become a vegan, admit I'm broke, lose the comb-over, can I stay? Please?"

Depression – Trump lies in bed, imagining 'home confinement' with an ankle bracelet. Still, better than prison.
Acceptance – He embraces the inevitable. Sharing a cell with Michael Cohen. For life.

Trump's 5 Stages of Grief were textbook perfect, right on the money.

by Monkey's Dad November 9, 2020

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