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Stephenie Meyer

One of the best authers of are time

has written the Twilight saga the most amazing series known to man about a human Bella Swan who falls in love with a vampire Edward Cullen

also has written The Host

Stephenie meyer is amazing

by 0DD!3 August 29, 2008

45👍 954👎

Stephenie Meyer

She pwns the modern book world.

Note that Stephenie is the correct way to spell her name.

"OMFG dude, i heard that J.K. Rowling just got replaced by Stephenie Meyer!!"

"Seriously! I know! She pwns the modern book world now!"

by rhinestone cowgirl March 28, 2009

35👍 831👎

stephenie meyer

An American author known to wrote the Twilight series. The series is about a bunch of sparkling vampires who sparkle and makes teenage girls tingle in the wrong places.

Miss Meyer's time would have been better served had she spent had she done some sit ups or gone jogging instead of writing this abhorrent series. Maybe then a real man would touch her.

Stephenie Meyer? She set back English literature 300 years.

by llama llama ducky August 30, 2012

39👍 5👎

stephenie meyer

see pedophile

the other day i was chillen with my little brother and stephenie meyer like kidnapped him and raped him

by talking space monkeys August 13, 2008

821👍 288👎