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a drunk stoner

She's such a stonker. Smokes a lot of weed and drinks a lot of wine.

by some other guy in the mountain November 28, 2013

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Plinky stonker

Something that does not exist, used for asking someone if they have it.

"Do you have the plinky stonker?"
"No, what's that?"
"Guess you don't have it."

by I have sex daily July 10, 2021

Raging stonker

A prolonged boner of the raging variety.
Can be used interchangably with
Stonking rager.

Christ love, that Jeremy Corbyn press release gave me a raging stonker.

by Infinite-empire June 30, 2018

Throbbing Stonker

A massive erect penis so engorged with blood it throbs.

Jane: My god thats a beast!!

Frank: Throbbing Stonker!!

by Dombadger October 26, 2010

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Plinky stonker

It’s absolutely nothing. A made up word that no one in the universe knows the definition of. Often, it’s used in confusion spells and hymns cast by hallucinogenic cult leaders.

Do you have the plinky stonker?

by Jakainn July 10, 2021

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An look at that STONKER

by Dick sause Mc faggot May 12, 2019


A feeling where you cringe at someone cringing. This can normally be due to an extraneous portrayed facial expression that doesn't relate to something being cringe at all.

"This dude is so cringe" (Γ—_Γ—)
"Just stop dude... you're a stonker"

by Sir Theodore December 1, 2020