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Strangle Wank

A Strangle Wank is where any gender of male or female, or both place one hand on theyre neck as if to throttle or choke them self whilst masturbating.

Look at him having a wee on the wall

Hes blaintz strangle wanking

by dcbeast July 12, 2010

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Strangled Vagina

When someone is a little cunt and wont shut up and keeps bitching.

Omg that kid is being such a Strangled Vagina, I wish he would just shut up.

by WootALoot July 14, 2009

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Strangling Antler

The act of masturbating before work

Sorry Iโ€™m late, Iโ€™ve spent most of my morning strangling antler

by hero_of_kvatch August 26, 2021

Strangling the goose

An aggressive style of masturbation whereby the penis is gripped and flogged so hard it gives the appearance of a small goose being strangled.

I walked in the changing room and Tony was in the corner frantically strangling the goose for a bit of quick relief before work.

by Fi69 May 3, 2020

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Strangle & Dangle

More commonly known as "Autoerotic Asphyxiation"

Very topical as of mid-June 2009 (see "usage"). This refers to the act of (a male) hanging oneself by the neck from a fixed object, say.... a closet rod, and tying up or otherwise restricting the bloodflow to the genitalia. This can be done either alone or with a partner. Subsequently the person, thus restrained is either masturbated to orgasm, or (if the hands are left untied-a wise choice) services himself.

The idea, apparently, is to bring oneself close to death, while simultaneously achieving orgasm. Practitioners claim very intense orgasms.

Usage: Carradine was doing the old Strangle & Dangle while filming in Thailand, and something went tragically awry.

Note: There is a theory that people who are extremely wealthy, having experienced virtually every (common) sexual perversion known to humanity (because they are willing to pay for others to engage in these acts), become bored and unable to come. They then turn to evermore, uh obscure and deviant acts to satisfy their cravings. These include, but are certainly not limited to: Fecal application; coprophilia; bestiality with all manner of creatures, some compliant, others less so; infliction and reception of intense pain (including burning and mutilation) and strangulation.

As of this writing, "Kung-Fu" actor David Carradine appears to have died while engaging in this practice in Thailand. It is unknown if he was alone or had a partner present. Michael Hutchence, lead singer of the band INXS is also reputed to have expired under similar circumstances.

by BaffleActs June 22, 2009

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Chicken Strangling

To masturbate

Hey dude, I just strangled my chicken. Word up!

by Bruce Boxleitner June 12, 2003

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strangle bait

To strangle ones self during masterbation in order to achieve orgasm.

I had to strangle bait last night to bust a nut

by sanchez February 12, 2005

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