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When you're sitting on your girlfriends face for a blow job and you have her arms pinned down with your legs, and yell at her to use her hands. The attempt she gives is considered a T-Rex.

I T-Rex'd my boyfriend last night. It was glorious.

by Yubin Yankinov February 2, 2013

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A severe state of intoxication giving one the appearance of a T-Rex trying the eat something with those tiny arms.

"Man, Christian was really T-Rexin' last night. He drank 24 shots of peach schnapps. What a retard!"

by DaRev April 12, 2007

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Describes a girl who is not fat but has a large body. She is big boned or stocky. She generally is taller than the average girl and is fairly strong/well built and manly.

This is a derogatory name often used by guys to describe a big boned girl no one knows the name of.

-Who's that new girl everyone's talking about?
-Uhh, I dunno.
-I heard she's fat or something.
-Oh yeah I know who you're talking about. But she isn't fat, she's just a T-rex.

-Dude check out that chick over there!
-Yeah I see her... She's too tall for my type. And she's kinda big and manly.
-Yeah, you're right, she's a T-rex.

by Crawfisch December 15, 2010

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t-rex t-rex

An expression reminiscent of the Golden Age of the Jurassic Era, when ferocious lizards roamed the land. Thus use of the expression refers to anything that is big and bad, or totally bad-ass. Use of the word furthers the quest to win Alex $5 out of Zach's pocket for spreading a word.

T-rex t-rex! T-rex is a hungry mother fucker!

by DicksForChicks January 16, 2009

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The act of getting extremely wired on cocaine or crack to the point where your arms assume the T-rex position and your jaw moves furiously as if chomping.

Damn, James did so many lines last night that he started T-rexxing.

by Leo Beo October 12, 2007

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T-Rexxing it

When you've had a long night out and have work in the morning.
Therefor getting no sleep and appearing at work hung over and hunched over.
Walking like a wee T-rex that could just be sick in a violent T-rex like manner anytime.

Scott: Aww man remember last sunday? I came in and was just totally T-rexxed it
I went into the toilet and was firing out both ends.
Jonny: That's fucking sick man. I saw you lurking through section A. You looked like shit.

Alan: Aww man.. Gonna be really T-Rexxing it tomorrow... TOO MUCH TONIGHT.

by SevenFourTwo February 20, 2011

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T. Rex

1. Large carnivorous dinosaur from the Cretaceous period, also known as "Tyrannosaurus rex" and "Dino Pimp Daddy"
2. Gnarly glam rock band from the '70s, fronted by Marc Bolan

by Cimmerian Southpaw October 13, 2003

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