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A bigoted and hate filled slur against woman, pushed by trans men who feel repressing women will help their cause. TERF: trans exclusionary radical feminist. The mere term is ignorant of the fact that it is not radical to stand up for actual women and it is ridiculous to exclude women for men trying to appear as a woman. It demonstrates the entitled and clueless nature of current western youth.

That woman is such a terf thinking women’s rights apply to them but not men attempting to become female.

by Educated thinker March 28, 2021

64👍 95👎


Transphobes Exploiting Real Feminism

Me: I thoughts she said she was a feminist?
Them: Not really she’s just a TERF

by QueeneBlade April 13, 2022

30👍 46👎


Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. A fake feminist that is a little too obsessed over women´s genitals.

JK: What if I go to the women´s bathroom and I see a penis?
Anna: Have you been spying over bathroom stalls again? God, you´re such a Terf.

by butitwasmonday April 2, 2021

60👍 94👎


Trans-Exclusive “Radical” Feminism. A very outdated, populist-identitarian ideology that defines gender “woman” as a derivative of biological “reality” and is focused on fabricating narratives centered around an enclosed identity (of victimhood). It claims to be radical, but in actuality it is even less radical than liberalism that it criticizes. Overall it’s just pure trash. TERF IS NOT A SLUR. TERF is a fair and appropriate name for a certain tendency. And nobody should take TERFs seriously.

TERF: don’t call me a TERF you sexist prick

by attacidioloji May 31, 2019

299👍 575👎


The least based subset of feminists of all time. It's an acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, but there's nothing radical or feminist about them. Unironic misandrists who don't let their hatred of men stop at just men; they see trans women as villains and trans men as lost lesbian sisters.

A: Bro JK Rowling is really on her terf madness again
B: During pride month, a pandemic, and a global human rights movement?
A: Yes :(

by YourTrueAdvisor June 7, 2020

209👍 401👎


a special snowflake who gets triggered by the existence of transgender people and/or men.

- trans women are creepy men in wigs
-shut up Terf

by Anarrrchia January 5, 2021

147👍 275👎


someone with a functioning brain and morals.

wow, I wish I was as smart as her! I bet she's a terf

by jesusdiedforour cynthias December 29, 2018

421👍 931👎