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Tiny Latino Cock

My Friend: I want some TLC
Me: Ew Why would you want that?!?

by itsyg July 4, 2018

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The inventors of modern R&B!

Greatest female group EVER.No other girl group can ever touch the class these 3 girls are in.

RIP Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes.

4 amazing albums,loads of Grammy's,Millions of albums sold,great inspirations!

by Nite January 24, 2004

266πŸ‘ 1739πŸ‘Ž


Tongue Licking Clit

Give your lady some TLC for Valentine’s Day. ;)

by Kaah February 4, 2018

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Totally Loose Cunt

I went to the hooker for some TLC

by Dark Kobart + JaredZen April 6, 2022

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Tender Love and Care. Its also the best female group of all time who sold millions of cds.

Yo, I'd give some tlc to tlc any day!

by Kenny May 6, 2005

215πŸ‘ 1688πŸ‘Ž


A TV network known for low-class reality trash. Formerly stood for "The Learning Channel", but fuck learning, right? After Honey Boo-Boo and the Duggars, the call letters now stand for "Touching Little Children" though the people at TLC say "it doesn't stand for anything".

Boy, have they got THAT right!

"I'm going to watch TLC. I feel the need to feel superior to other people, and watching the lowlife scum on that channel really reminds me that-- although I'm a junkie, a scumbag, and can't hold down a job or be at all decent to other people-- I'm still better off than the worthless pieces of shit on that network."

by Nix Nightbird May 23, 2015

175πŸ‘ 1393πŸ‘Ž


tacos laced with cocaine

dude i was at philipes house and he gave me a taco and it turned out it was a tlc. man i was buzzin for the rest of the day.

by rusty fish-hook July 12, 2011

202πŸ‘ 1711πŸ‘Ž