Acronym for Total Overall Cuteness....factoring in a girls/guys hair, face, body, voice, ect. One achieves a high TOC level by naturally occuring cuteness and how much one maintains his/her appearance.
She's got a high TOC level cause her body is slammin and her face is gorgeous.
Her TOC level looses a few points due to that rats nest of a hair do she got goin on.
5👍 2👎
The most cringiest thing EVER, No seriously it has taken over the world and anybody who has it should probably get medical help as soon as possible, NO BECAUSE YOU WOULD MAKE A TIC TOC WITH HIM!!!
jacob what are you doing?
Litterely every girl tic Toc...
jacob where’s the nearest bridge?
10👍 10👎
A white girl that uses tic toc way to much and usually wears inappropriate clothes
Hey I'm going to go make a tic toc.
Omg don't be such a tic toc thot
A girl that thinks she’s funny but really isn’t.
She such a tik toc thot.!! Not to be confused with Thot. It’s two different meanings.
The greatest song ever made. A true masterpiece with the best vocal intro of all time. Screw Echoes and Shine On You Crazy Diamond, this is Pink Floyd's true banger song. Real music.
I was listening to Pow R Toc H the other day and my mind was blown.
A place that turns a boy into either the most masculine embodiment of perfection, or a troon.
George - That girl is so cute!
Joseph - That's a boy from Toc-H Public
George - Damn.
A school that changes you from a boy to either a hardened man with years of mental trauma, or a girl.
Joe : "Damn, that girl looks hot."
Roy : "Bro, 'she's' from Toc-H"
Joe : "Oh."