Dedicated time that a man spends on himself to make himself look and feel better
Time spent by a man making himself look good
Time spent by a man thinking and reflecting on his life
James felt that after Christmas that he had let himself go and needed some time to do a little man-taining
Kin Ryan's way of saying tanned, and also the right way to say it.
Ryan : People think they don't need sunscreen because they want to be "tained"
Make sure you wear sun cream everyone ✅
When your girl is listening to the bass in your car and its good... the vibrations will cause "tain tracks" on the seat somewhat under the vicinity of her posterior. Dirivitive of "poon-tain"
The bass hit just right that the girl in the passenger seat left tain tracks when she got up.
Taine is someone who is talked about a lot by people who are scared of his/her potential.. they are a dark horse and should never be crossed
They are such a Taine
A procrastinative kid that always leaves everything to the last minute; a school nerd; that kind of gentleman that will attempt to make girls laugh but will never move any further than friends between all girls he communicates with; acts like he has Tourettes and strange sometimes... But if you find yourself a Taine for a boyfriend get ready to hope on a rollercoaster!
Oh my goodness! Who's that over there running around strangely? Must be Taine!
noun -- a certain substance that is so good you have to eat it quickly.
the word can also be used as a verb: to train
person 1: What are you eating?
person 2: A burger from the place across the street, this food is so tain!
that food was so good, I tained it!