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tank top friday

The most gay holiday that could ever be created.
Also, any person that is stupid enough to celebrate this holiday should be segregated from everyone else, because this holiday can be known to cause gayness in others around you

"Hey, you heard about those gay kids from Harbor?"
"Oh yeah,I heard they celebrated Tank Top Friday last week

by I love Chode May 23, 2008

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Top Tank

The act of defecating in the back tank of a toilet. The result is that whenever there is a flush, the bowl fills with tainted water.

Before I moved out, I top tanked the toilet in the master bedroom.

by Robert Smith August 6, 2004

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top tanking

The act of taking a serious shitsickle in the top tank of a toilet.

dude that chicks party was so lame top tanking her toilet was the only way to add a little atmosphere...she'll never forget that night once she discovers where that stench is coming from...don't go back for a few days !!!

by last star fighter August 25, 2007

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Top tank

Taking a dump in the systern of a toilet. Holding youself up by you hands on the wall and dropping in a bombay bad boy. The only way that can be fixed is if a glass-monkey mops the whole stinky area out.

Particularly skilled people can piss at the same time and even sometimes get a few drops in the bowl.

Norm gave Gilhooley a top tank for his birthday. He thought and animal (a trained dog) had done it.
He was wrong.

by Matt Regsmith May 1, 2003

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Military grade tank top

Another word for a binder usually used among those with moobs. Usually used if they want to talk about their binder in a place where they don't want to reveal that they have a large chest.

(Can also be used by transgender men)

Person one: Bro, I finally got my moobs in check!
Person two: Yeah, man, these military grade tank tops work great.

by Dean_Edolas_42 March 3, 2022

Wearing a pink tank top

When you have an extreme tank top farmers tan and then apply sunscreen to the dark areas only before going out for a serious sun burn day. This way your pale, undisturbed, winter white skin will turn pink. Leaving you with a perfect Pink Tank Top.

After a month, Tanner finally took his top off and ended up wearing a pink Tank Top for a few days.

by SimplyTanner July 30, 2022

Tank top Al

Tank Top Al is a gamer. He will excrete noises such as loud screaming. He is a man among boys, the only true chad you'll ever meet. He wears only a singlet and running shorts and boy does he rock it. His muscles are incomparable. To date a Tank Top Al is to date a hurricane of testosterone. He may be gay but he doesn't care. Speaking from experience.

"Tank Top Al is such a chad."
"I know, right?"
"Mmmm muscles"

by March 11, 2022