A bean-counting "supervisor from Hell" who obsessively reminds his warehouse/store staff about "zeroing the scales" prior to weighing dry goofs.
Health-foods store employee: My boss frequently reminds me about resetting the electronic scale's digital counter every few hours, but I don't really view him as a tare-orrist... I know he means well (i.e., he cares enough about his customers to ensure that they get the full amount of product that they paid for, as well as not wanting to lose money himself by over-measuring), plus I also tend to be forgetful, and so his repeated refreshing of the idea in my mind enables me to make fewer dispensing mistakes.
1) A intresting object or trinket. This is the more common use of the word, even if its still not popular.
2) A rich/politically powerful woman.
"In the temple I found a shiny taring"
"I just married the hot taring of my dreams"
1.A positive drug screen urine sample in prison
2.A targeted urine drug screen given by correctional officers in prison for a suspected drug user
1.I got 3 days degradation for a tare urine.
2.Hide the drugs I've been targetted for urine drug screen from the officers
Any of various vetch plants, such as Vicia hirsuta (hairy tare) of Eurasia and North Africa.
The TARES is growing again, Mike!
Loves a little too hard, Beautiful, Funny, Smart, Life of the party, short and Blessed
Mark: Did you see taree at that party?
Bryan: Yeaaa she was the life of the party!!!