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Tawny's are beautiful and sociable girls.Loved and cherised by all. A certain Tawny is close friend's of clan "The Legacy" Often reffered to as "Hawt" This Tawny has a fond relationship with Amy and is know as "Shawty" By insom.
Tawnys shud be Loved and cared for by all..cos not only do they have a great name..theyre great in general.

When i grow up! i wanna be just like Tawny.
Wow that girl was definietly a Tawny.

by Tawny Curtin June 13, 2008

360πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


A sweet, beautiful girl, with the cutest laugh in the world, which basically makes everyone crack up. Everyone loves her, for a good reason. Tawni is incredibly kind and caring, and a blast to be around

I love tawni!!!

by Meyme September 24, 2010

309πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž


A girl who is genreally awkward in social gatherings but exciting and crazy alone or with friends.

Person 1: Have you seen that Tawnie chick? She's so awkward.
Person 2: I'm friends with her actually. She's really friendly and sarcastic.
Person 1: I would have never guessed.

by ThatDramaKid February 17, 2013

22πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


see gangster...

tawnie is the bomb shit of all gangsters

by tawnie June 15, 2003

58πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


see gangster

tawnie the gangster is so the bomb shit!

by Anonymous June 15, 2003

48πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


great porn star

tawnie stone is hot

by cool beans June 16, 2003

49πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


She is kind, funny, pretty, weird (in a great way) and so much more! She tries to help in every way she can and always succeeds! I’m so glad I have her in my life.

Girl 1: omg she’s so kind!
Girl 2: yep! That’s a Tawnie!

by Just a friend 😏 October 2, 2020