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Tone Deaf

"you are so TD, you can't sing a note in tune!"

by Gaysh's creator February 2, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


TDS is the acronym for Trump Devotion Syndrome. It's characterized by a singular willingness to serve criminals with the surname "Trump." Secondary symptoms include the following: edema of the heart and lungs, inflammation of the internal organs, chest tightness, and difficulty forming coherent sentences.

The disease is endemic to the United States and is believed to be, in part, a consequence of the erosion of the social contract.

Many people are saying that sufferers of Trump Devotion Syndrome (TDS) have formed a cult, willing to debase themselves and betray their country to serve a criminal, loud-mouthed Yankee.

by ManyPeopleAreSaying June 6, 2020

743๐Ÿ‘ 7518๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trend jumpers. N. (Tee~Dee) Pl.(Tee~Dee's)

(Similar to trend setters)

Shortened to TD's
A noun given to a person or group of people that display the characteristics of conforming. They change their opinions and how they act to follow/copy others through how they act, talk, dress or what their interests are etc.

Td's as the name suggests, jump, from fad to fad or craze to craze. Adopting the latest trends in an attempt to be accepted or fit in. Similar to poser and wannabe

-Hey do you wanna go see *insert popular event eg concert or twilight movie here*? (response) Ew no too many td's.

See also poser

by kwijibo? October 7, 2009

70๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for Trump Derangement Syndrome. A common but casual (not medically recognized in DSM) mental affliction. Those affected seem to have extreme emotional & behavioral reactions to the mere mention of Donald Trump (45th president of the United States of America).

"No one at work talks to Jim anymore due to his support of the president & their TDS".

by The Last Honest Democrat on Ea October 5, 2020

712๐Ÿ‘ 1073๐Ÿ‘Ž


TDS is Trump Delusion, or Denial Syndrome. As we now know TDS, or Trump Delusion (or Denial) Syndrome is suffered by most "Trump Supporters" (Russian Trademark 1999 by Vladimir Putin) and is caused somewhat by the mentally challenged, but mostly by those emotionally challenged and faux American Patriots. Also, spread by TPP (Trump Populist Party, once the GOP, or Republican Party).

This disease can be countered, or inoculated only by TAP, "True American Patriotism".

TDS is as Trump himself would define it, a "Russia Virus" manufactured in Moscow by Trump's butt buddy hero and political lover, Vlad Putin ("Putin" translated means: putrescence).

It was manufactured in a combined effort by Putin's SVR, FSB and especially GRU and spread throughout America by Russian and Donald Trump propaganda, and most greatly by Putin's super spreader, Donald John Trump, not ridiculously the President of the United States.

It can also be countered by American patriots voting against Trump in national elections and true and honest news being shared through MSM, mainstream media, or AFM, Actually Functional Media. Note, FN (Fox News) like RT (Russia Today), are both State propaganda spreaders (Trump's and Putin's, respectively) and should be viewed with great and unabashed trepidation just as any Western democracy would Russia's Pravda or Sputnik "news" agencies.

That right-wingnut Trump supporter has TDS and really needs to seek professional mental health therapy, but they sadly see that as socialism.

by JZMurdock September 4, 2020

371๐Ÿ‘ 7052๐Ÿ‘Ž


A popular custom game for War 3

WinterMaul is a popular TD.

by Anonymous September 7, 2003

85๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trump Derangement Syndrome

When people sit all day worrying about Trump and defining their lives by him simply because they read a few articles talking about how he is a "white supremacist".

People with TDS are so obsessed with the orange man that they will call you a nazi if you even dare suggest that maybe he's not as bad as Hitler.


Guy 2: Son, I am about to die from Leukemia. Why are you talking about Trump?

Guy 1: Are you defending him? He is literally Hitler. OMG you are such a nazi!

Guy 2: Nurse! My son is suffering from TDS. Please get him some help.

by LetumBULB November 29, 2020

13058๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž