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When a man respects another man so much that he gets an erection.

You're so fucking cool man! respection!

by Derpyderpanon August 20, 2012

24👍 7👎


a privilege you give to someone based upon the quality of that person's unique interactions with you.

Respect is earned. Elders just have had more time to earn it. Younger people may also earn respect from older people.

Some respect sound judgement, some strength or power. Some respect altruism, some purposefulness. Parents and teachers may provide initial guidance but what you respect in a person is ultimately your privilege.

I respect him for his sound judgement in difficult situations.

by nuworthi April 29, 2010

68👍 27👎


Noun: A value that once thrived but has nearly been eradicated in the name of free speech and expressing one’s self. Back when respect ran rampant people would keep their mouths shut if they didn’t have something intelligent to say but sadly today most people choose to express their “beliefs” even when they don’t have anything of value to say. Often disrespectful people make up for the lack of intelligence by resorting to juvenile statements such as “he/she sucks”, “he/she’s a tool” or what is ironically the all time favorite of the disrespectful, “He/she/you are an idiot”. The term “idiot” is often also used by the disrespectful to label anyone who disagrees with them especially if that person can actually speak intelligently on the subject or person being discussed.

Although John disliked the governor he figured it best to show some respect and keep his opinion to himself as he had nothing constructive to say about the man. Emma on the other hand chose to express her beliefs and tweeted that the governor sucked.

by integritymatters November 27, 2011

149👍 68👎


Not to be confused with fear which it often is.

1.I respect my kung fu teacher he is the toughest muthafucka I have ever met and could take on ( and even kill is he so wished ) many people at once but he only uses his skills for self defence and the defence of others, never for attack, he has great power but is responsible with that power and I respect him for that.

2. People fear Gangstaz they say they respect them because they fear them, they are scared to say they dont respect them because they fear what might happen to them if they go against them.

Fear and respect are not the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Nemesis July 16, 2006

587👍 301👎


Doing the right thing. Showing common decency.

The respectful thing to do was call my mother, like she asked, when I first moved away to college.

by Disrespected Mama September 28, 2015

32👍 13👎


To have respect for someone. To treat them in a courteous way and to not get their daughter pregnant.


Bride: Daddy, I'm glad you like Johnny.
Dad: Well, of course, he was respectable. He didn't get you {pregnant}. Yet. But, it's ok now since you're {married}.

by Mrs. Supercalifragileisticexpi December 21, 2009

33👍 13👎


It's a positive manner in witch you treat somebody generally most people are born with it but some need to be taught. showing that the other person is just as important as yourself.


by Thispagewasmadeforme October 8, 2020