The most evil invention known to man, probably created by the devil himself. It flows at the rate the least convenient to you. When you're a child, it goes so slow you're dying in it. When you grow up, it goes so fast you start to fall apart. If you slip up, you can't turn it back.
Time is the only currency that spends by itself and you can't regain.
"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it..." -Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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A euphemism for sexual intercourse that was popularized by the widely read novel "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger. The main character, Holden Caulfield uses the phrase several times throughout the book.
"Hey man, I told her "the time" last night... if you know what i mean."
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Done or happening at the appropriate time or proper time
Very focused and time conscious person, highly presentable and attractive
A timely warning
With timely treatment,the patient has a good chance of recovery
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Time is the one thing that can keep someone from happiness or sorrow. Time makes the world go forward while being able to put a pause on someone's personal progression at the same time. Time can be both bad and good while showing know true purpose other than moving forward. Time, the only thing that can ruin a life.
Time is the definition of life.
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An invention by man to track reality's decay.
Only time can tell the destruction of humanity.
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An abstract concept used by carbon-based lifeforms to measure their own rate of decay.
Why do I need an example? It explains itself!
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n. 1. what you spend in jail, a jail sentence
2. a very real thing based on the movement of matter in the universe. Units of time are measured in something defined axiomatically such as the speed of light and a defined length.
1. I'll have sex with a 16 year old even if I get time for it
2. It takes a certain amount of time for a photon to travel one foot, and under the same conditions it always takes that amount of time.
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