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aussi; an australian legend known to consume copious quantities of alcohol.

i drank like aussi last night.

by krooni April 29, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Aussieness - extremely Australian, usually defined by: A lot of alcohol consumption, Backyard sports, alcohol consumption, watching the footy, cooking snags, and more alcohol consumption.

Bloke 1: Hey MATE! you comin over for the footy?!
Bloke 2: Yeah sure mate! ill bring the stubbies!

American 1: whats that?
American 2: I believe its called "aussieness"

by That guy with blue eyes February 7, 2010


Alright. I'm sick of people writing rude definition's about Australia.
We do not talk like Steve Irwin.
We are not all racist assholes.
We do not all wear singlets, eat pies, watch footy, play cricket, drink too much beer, wear thongs.
Yes, the majority of us think we're the best country. Get of our back, most countries think they are as well.
Most of the time we have friends of other backgrounds, and we call them names as a joke. And they do it right back to us.
And hell yeah, we're laid back. And yes, we most likely do swear too much. So sue us. So really all I have left to say is, get the hell off our case.

Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Oi Oi Oi!

by pissed off Aussie May 4, 2008

735๐Ÿ‘ 388๐Ÿ‘Ž


something or someone Australian. aussies are known for extreme tolerance to fire and prowess in animal combat and just generally not dying. may swear a lot.

American: aagh! a snake!
Aussie: who's a cute death machine? You are! You are!

by Tridantaus March 17, 2022


Typically a shortened version of the word Australian. An Australian citizen is usually called an Aussie, sadly, this usually refers to the white, anglosaxen australian when talking about the Stereotypical "aussie".
Stereotypes of an Aussie are.

Heavy consumer of Beer,
Good at and enjoy Sports,
Bunch of singlet, thong wearing yobbos,
Beach goers,
etc etc.

While these are true for certain socio-economic groups in Australia they do not describe the majority of the Australian population, except for the love of a good quality beer, not american beer, (that stuff is awfull, too watery), and being good at sports for the most part, lead lives almost identical to all other western cultures.

Also its a known fact that the Australian government is one of the most successful governments of recent times due to the advances made in public services such as free public health care to everyone who is a citizen, very low unemployment rates, low interest rates, fast stable economic growth, well above average GDP per person, infact in the top 15 of the world i believe if not the top 10, and large surpluses every year, also Australia is one of the few countries that is totally debt free, and continues to maintain its surplus.

Also a note, while the "lebonese", aka "wogs", and the New Zealanders aka "Kiwis" cannot seem to provide positive definitions of Australian culture, for what ever reasons, such as jealousy or misguided contempt and use of ridiculous stereotypes, the average Australian is the same as any other average anglosaxen you'd find in a modern Western Culture, aka, has job, family, is not an alcoholic and earns a decent living.

Aussie, care free relaxed sports loving way of living.

Aussie short term used to describe an Australian

Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!

by Zedicus August 9, 2007

265๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž


person whom calls australia home, though many dispute this, and state that to be truely Aussie you must

1)enjoy the frequent consumption of alcoholic beveridge's

2)partake in many vrious sports whether well or not e.g. back yard cricket 9but only if it invovles the one hand one bounce rule off of any structures in the yard)

3)have one mate by the name of either Davo, Robbo, or Nato (males names typically end in an O ) and know a shiela by the name of Shazza, ( which is short for sharon, cheryl, sharlene, though most females names end in an A )

4)must over use many of the Aussie slang words E.G. Bloke Mate shiela Bugger ocker onya bathers budgie smugglers yonks ranga yobbo bogan Biffderro mole not happy jan sky rocket staunch etc also if in doubt add an O to the end od the word.... e.g. lhow about a gamo of cricket mate....

5) must get into at least one major biff in the calender year

6)must follow at least one of the four major football codes religiously (AFL, NRL, Union, Soccer). knowing all details of the team's right back to who won the premiership in 1972

7) must watch the cricket and V8's when the footy season is not on (always with a bevy in hand)

8) All Aussies know the standard chants...

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Aussie Oi
Aussie Oi
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

come on aussie come on, come on
Come on aussie Come on

Aussie will also know the words to waltzing Matilda better that they know the words there own national anthem

9) and lastly an Aussie is renowned for being laid back. regardless of how his nieghbor hasn't mowed for weeks or how bad his PM is fowling up the country. The aussie would prefer to grab a cold one and hang out with mates down at the pub

"I can see that the aussies are going to win the ashes again this year"
"theres nothing more Aussie than a meat pie in one hand, a beer in the other, and sitting back to watch the footy"

by mugg_au October 16, 2007

128๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nowadays used to describe an Australian of Anglo and/or Caucasian/White appearance or background. I am a Sydney-Sider and this view is most prominent in the youth. But in saying this I cannot speak with absolute certainty whether this perception is Australian wide (Although I have friends and relatives in every State and Territory who are aware of this view). I personally resent this label as a way of identifying the "Anglo/White" community as, I myself come from a Latino background but was BORN and BRED here in Australia and feel as much "aussie" as any other Australian! Australia is a multicultural country and no matter our background/race we are ALL the same nationality! When we go overseas and tell people our nationality we say we are AUSSIE and this is how the rest of the world sees us, AS AUSSIES!!!

1) You ask ANY kid of ANY background who is a aussie and they will tell you someone who is most likely of "first fleet/convict" descent or a "White person" who's close to it. We also use the term "natio/nasho" to ask each other what background we are, when in fact most of us are ALL the same nationality(natio/nasho) which is aussie
2) The older generations will most likely know what you are talking about but do not share the same critical belief that only "White/Anglo" people are aussies as our parents have a stronger sense of being an "aussie"
3) If Australians as a community need to have a way of identifying so-called "Aussies" I think we should reclaim the less common word "Skip" so aussie can be inclusive to all backgrounds
4) No matter whether you be a Latino, African, Fob, Abo, Azn or Wog we are all aussie!

by Ricco Chico August 10, 2007

379๐Ÿ‘ 264๐Ÿ‘Ž