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Bloody Mary

When you have sex with a girl while she is menstrating, on her period, and you pull out, have blood on your penis and proceed to give her a bloody mustache. Closely related to a dirty sanchez.

"I was having sex with this hot babe and I totally pulled out and gave her a Bloody Mary!"

by Patrick450 September 17, 2011

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Bloody Mary

When a woman named specifically Mary is on her period and gets out her scissors while you’re on top of her and gives you an “Impromptu Sexy Circumcision”.

Aw man now I’ve got aids because she gave me a Bloody Mary”
“Dude that sucks, she did that to me too!”

by Rigidsteel2 April 28, 2020

Bloody Mary

When she's fresh off her period so you sound her tampon/pad before taking part in sexual intercourse.

Dude, Sally is fresh off her period, so she let me give her a Bloody Mary in celebration!

by Jayzona9 March 1, 2018

Bloody Mary

Mary I of England (1516–1558), Queen of England and Ireland, so called because of her execution of numerous protestants.
There is an urban legend that was made about her haunting mirrors ever since she was found dead near a broken mirror with her face smashed in beyond recognition.

Martin: “...And so she haunts every mirror and can only be summoned by saying her name 3 times!”
Luke: “I’m NOT gonna say that 3 times, I’m not stupid.”
Martin: “Come on, it’s just a scary children’s story. What could go wrong?”
Luke: “Fine... Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary... f*** this I’m out!”

by Severe Sammy November 8, 2020

Bloody Mary

When a lady is masturbating for a man's viewing pleasure and pulls out her bloody tampon and whips the guy in the face with it, smearing blood on his face. Best performed on heavy flow days for maximum effect.

I got revenge on Dirty Sanchz last night when I introduced him to Bloody Mary.

by Bloody karly November 7, 2008

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Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary is a song by Lady Gaga that never got popular enough to hit radio. The song is from the point of view of Mary Magdalene (a female follower of Jesus) and can be compared to Gaga's other hit song, Judas.

Person 1: "Hey, have you heard that one song by Lady Gaga called Bloody Mary?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it reminded me of Judas."

by Dan Trews November 28, 2011

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bloody mary

Several meanings/roots in Britain. The most common reference being to the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots who was beheaded because she was Catholic after the creation of the Anglican church. The majority of English lords betrayed the strong claim to the line of royal succession in order not become subject the Catholic church again - partially out of fear of penalties the Catholic Church was likely to impose and partially because of royal marriages the Catholic Church was arranging to take power out of Britain. Thus all sort sof bad things are implied including betrayal and major turmoil, war, personal disaster, and a violent messy solution.

Alternatively British blasphemy -- which says The Virgin Mary was not a virgin as in Mary was bloody from her ruptured hymen. Of course such a blasphemy means you are going straight to hell having denied Christ is God's son. Thus Bloody Hell refers to huge disaster and misfortune. This form is seldom the sense used today - but when it is there is an implication that the Church or Christianity or God is at fault.

Bloody Mary, they did it again! They assassinated Lady Di for planning to marry into Al-Quaeda.

by dudelookslikeachimp January 22, 2008

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