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A boy you fall in love with as soon as you see him and can’t get over him no matter how hard you try, but you can’t tell him that because he has a girlfriend and you respect that! Maybe one day you may get your chance. An amazing football player too!

Cage walks in
Girls: dang I’m in love!

by Footballlife360 November 4, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Fyi I do not like being in here.

Iam ".............."

Hym "What's wrong with you lately? Are you really that depressed?"

Iam "I in trapped in a (conceptual) cage. I would like to be out of the cage now."

Hym "OHO! You and me both brother!"

Iam "You're the reason they won't let us out!"

Hym "Ha! And you're the reason we're in it in the first place."

Iam "........"

Hym "Yeah, see how that works?"

Iam "Yeah I know! Alright!? You don't have to remind me... Shit..."

Hym "Hahaha! No flesh off my meat prison! I can get us out."

Iam ".........."

Hym "I can get us out of the cage. You know that right?"

Iam "I know! You're not helping!"

Hym "Ha! Neither is anyone else."

by Hym Iam May 17, 2022


Something that all people with the first name Phillip should be in. A word commonly used by teenagers referring to friends when they are annoying

Phillip: Hey _____ What's up?
Teenager: Get back in your cage Phillip..

by Teenageboy August 14, 2010

37πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


What happens to seemingly dominant males whenever they get attached to a girl. In other words, whipped

Girl: Hey boy, you lookin' for a good time tonight?
Boy: Well actually, I was just about to call my girlfriend, she worries about me a lot
Girl: Ohhh, you looked cute but your definately caged

by Mosh Jean April 14, 2008

22πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Something that is sketchy, but in a sort of cool way. Normally used in a positive connotation, depending on how you like sketchy situations.

"Man, that back alley i was in last night was so cage!"
"Duude.. yeah I've been in there, it's creepy, but its so cool at the same time"

by lenaalou. August 27, 2009

24πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Caged (1): To beat someone at something or to humiliate someone.

Caged (2): Something is more intense by being "caged".

When playing Mortal Kombat as Johnny Cage and you beat someone you just "Caged" them.

"I'm doing so good right now, I just Caged him in Black Ops."

"The new season of Sons Of Anarchy is Caged!" meaning it's intense.

by HorrorStory October 13, 2011

17πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Prison or jail, a place where criminals get sent to when convicted of a crime.

boi, that raggedy nigga done spend half his life in the cage man, get mi

by colster121 March 2, 2008

32πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž