Source Code

Ring finger down

The person that’s throws this up is a total badass.

β€œDamn, he’s so valid for throwing up ring finger down”

by Cribbywibby July 11, 2022

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Five-finger love ring


Brian: 'E was messing' abaht wiv me bird so I put on me five-finger love ring and gave 'im one on the kisser.

Theodore: Oh I say, what a jolly wheeze.

Brian: Yeah, (heh heh), there was blood and teef everywhere. 'E was in 'ospital fer a mumf.

Theodore: Oh Brian, you're so - (sigh), so *brutal*!

Brian: Yeah, yeah, don't get all soppy on me or I'll give you one too.

Theodore: (swoons and faints in delight)

Brian: Jesus H. Christ! If you weren't me bird's bruvvah...

by Doris M. Smith August 8, 2008

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Giving the Ring Finger

Like the middle finger, except giving the ring finger is just another way of saying, "I'm married." Showing the ring on your finger.

Dale: Dude, some lady asked me to go to dinner tonight!

Bob: Nice dude, what'd you say!?

Dale: Nothing, I just gave her the ring finger and walked away!

Bob: Oh...you must LIKE giving the ring finger...

by TheBEANBEANBEAN January 5, 2011

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

3 fingers up with ring finger down

3 fingers up if you're loyal to one girl

*poses 3 fingers up with ring finger down in a picture*
"what does that mean?"
"it's my symbol of loyalty to a girl"

by qngelvnaa October 22, 2023

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Crossed middle and ring finger

When your middle and ring finger is crossed with your thumb touching your palm, this means you are fine as hell, loyal, smart, have multiple bitches on your dick.

Snapper: β€œHey jay got crossed middle and ring finger he get mad bitches.

by jaredonly May 10, 2022

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Middle and ring finger up

It means you have a lot of bitches.

Someone: *middle and ring finger up*
β€žWow man, they have a lot of bitchesβ€œ

by brosgethoes June 4, 2022

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Pointing Ring Finger Up Like Middle Finger except it's the Ring Finger

When you point up the ring finger, also known as digitus medicinalis, it means I like you in a friendly and non-rude matter, or can have alternative meanings, like "your awesome", I love you to a romantic partner, etc. This is not to be confused with the middle finger that means "GO F--K YOURSELF"

Pointing Ring Finger Up Like Middle Finger except it's the Ring Finger:

Jessica: That was such sweet gift Howard *points ring finger*
Howard: Aww you put your ringer finger up! I love you too!

by eyenyyc March 4, 2024