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The Great Cory Depression

The Great Cory Depression was an economic shock that affected most countries across the world. It was a period of economic depression that became evident after a major fall in CoryxKenshin uploads in the United States. The economic sadness began June 2019.

Son: What is The Great Cory Depression?

Samurai: It was the worst economic downturn in Shogun history, imagine the samurai suffering without a Cory upload for nine straight months. It was a very tough time.

by softsea December 17, 2023

The Great Battlefield Depression

The drop in player population in Battlefield most likely due to lack of content, boring same old maps, unbalanced weapons, bugs or repetitive gameplay.

BF fanboy: Ugh, why is BF1 so dead!
Me: It's suffering from The Great Battlefield Depression

by Big Schlong Johnson May 2, 2017