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A pretentious and self-absorbed hypocrite who has abandoned their sense of identity to fit an exaggerated trend or theme. In order to cope with their confusing psychological denial and low self esteem, these sad individuals project their lack of definition and depth at the world thereby inflating their own perceptions of uniqueness. They can be found simultaneously condemning the cultural "mainstream" on superficial topics such as style or fashion, while engaging in hyperbolic applications of those same superficial aspects.

While some of these individuals may genuinely struggle to become more cultured, most do not have a genuine interest (or aptitude) and are simply trying to fit into a crowd that wants to reject fitting in to the "mainstream". Conversely, a socially well adjusted individual who truly appreciates and participates in art, for example, may have no inclinations towards the hipster subculture. There is somewhat of a one-way, pretend inclusion that the hipster conceives of for him or herself that is a form of mild delusion.

Hipsters present a curious irony by considering themselves superior, more cultured and more individualistic, while rejecting the actual depth, perspective and variation in people around them that is at the core of individuality.

Guy 1 : Why was that guy rude for no reason?
Guy 2 : He's a hipster.
Guy 1 : Ahh - I guess that's why hes dressed to solicit attention and we're not at a costume party.
Guy 2 : Hipsters are douchebags.
Guy 1 : Yeah, I've heard that before.

by what_ever_idc April 9, 2012

235πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž


This is urban dictionary, so the blunt definition of a hipster is a loser. Yet another group of clones who pride themselves on non-conformism, much like emo and scene kids. These people are snobs who normally talk with an upward inflection. Although they do have a knack with obscure music and literature, the fact remains that the only reason they know about these things is out of conformity. They dress, talk and believe the same way. Agnostic spirituality or Atheism and liberalism are mandatory. Always very thin, I have not once seen a fat or athletic hipster. Very open minded, indeed. Spineless cowards, they will not raise a fist to save their girlfriend from a rapist; and if they did they would be mutilated for it. Worthless intellectual snobs with no real depth or substance. Nothing but a lot of hot air and big words.

I don't conform. I fight against the pangs of mainstream culture by joining another one. I and my friends are intellectually diverse, believing in basically the same things, rejecting clone-wear, by dressing the same and pretending to be classy snobs while the real classy snobs laugh at us from their BMW's and Porches, all 120 lbs of us. I'm a hipster.

by TruthREALLYHurts March 30, 2011

95πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Hipsterity is the quality that true hipsters possess. A hipster has been defined to be one who rejects societal norms and "mainstream ideas." One who exhibits hipsterity most often dresses in a simple yet distinct manner, with plaid shirts and wide-rimmed glasses.

If college weren't so mainstream, I'd major in hipsterity.

by atlpride November 22, 2011


A person who makes being lazy trendy. A hipster gets an easy job and a shaggy looking haircut by rolling out of bed and picking out his clothes from the thrift shop in the dark. Instead of reading the news, a hipster can babble on incessantly about philosophy and art, going from one subject to another sounding seemingly intelligent and full of knowledge, but really being too lazy to coordinate his thoughts.

Greta (to a hipster in a Starbucks)- Wow, I like your American style. I heard that this crazy clothing and modern art book that you're reading are trendy now in American Starbucks.
Dax- I don't know what you're talking about. I just grabbed these clothes upon waking so they are my own look, and this book I foound in a trash dump wandering around today and this coffee shop I just wandered into, it just happens to be a Starbucks.

by Jane Doeski September 24, 2012

58πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Hipsters, like deep down, when you look past the clothes, the fashion sense, whatever, deep down they’re just critics. They’re critics of everything: critics of fashion, critics of art, and critics of movies. And it’s pretentious. And when it comes to music, they think that they are a big part of that culture and they feel like they are the voice for everybody else. And a lot of times they’re full of shit.


by thehipst3r August 4, 2011

734πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž


An unwashed and ungroomed person who hates corporations and everything mainstream, yet still buys Apple products.

hipster 1: Ugh..I like totally hate corporations and mainstream companies who just steal from the world and stuff. I like hate mainstream!!!

hipster 2: I totally feel that. Oh hey the new iPhone 4 is out in stores!!!!!

hipster1: Oh! Em! Gee! i'm gonna call my mom and ask her for a check. Check your GPS for the nearest Apple store.....

by paulkang91 August 14, 2010

2707πŸ‘ 956πŸ‘Ž


Generational "misfits". In the late 2000's emos decided that that being emo wasn't cool or hardcore enough for them, so they decided to turn hipster. Hipsters claim to be environmentally friendly even though their trendy clothes are made in east asian sweatshops by children. They love metalcore, and shitty indie rock bands. Standard attire includes oxfords or converse, huge scarves, horn-rimmed glasses, dirty emo hair, gauges, skinny jeans, "granny" sweaters, and ironic t-shirts that no one fucking understands. They might seem chill, but theyre really pretentious assholes trying to seem poor and original. Never call a hipster a hipster. You'll be socially shunned. Also it is unwise to remind a hipster of their emo hayday. They will deny it. Or deem you uncool and '"totally mainstream".

The emo kids at my highschool that refused to be labeled. Especially as a hipster.

And the rest of America.

by Juicalicious January 21, 2011

108πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž