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lebo driver

Good driver, a driver that go 160 in a 60 road , without making any stupid collisions or accidents.

look at the lebo driver with his Subi.

by moey132 March 3, 2016

2👍 5👎

Lebanese, Lebo, Lebs

In Australia Lebanese people are defined as human beings! People with the cultrual background of Lebanon.

They have a stereotype which is so racist. People should respect one another because there is good and bad everywhere :) peace

by Sarah December 23, 2003

93👍 78👎

Lebo Creep

To sneak up behind someone and silently watch their computer monitor.

Damn... I was talking to an ugly chick on Facebook, Matt totally lebo creeped me and told everyone. My social life is ruined...

by itsmalkir June 15, 2011


A Poes whose friends thinks he's a whore but can actually be really nice

Don't be a Lebo tell

by Zyxel_13 August 23, 2022


Lebanese immigrants in australia. Wear tech fleeces and designer. Love gucci caps. Love cars. Don't ask them what they did for the money to pay for either of those things. A lot of them are muslim

"Fuck those Lebos are dripped out I wonder how they can afford that"
"Stop wondering"

by GusTheGhoul3000 May 4, 2023


The LEBO is the most wonderful thing in the world. If you are the LEBO team, you have been touched by god. Nobody can explain your presence in life, because of the excellence of the LEBO.

-Dude why is that guy levitating?

-Don't mind him, he is a LEBO member. They're just like that.

by ea5yman July 24, 2023