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Bible thumping idiots.

This is an actual conversation I had with an actual rebuplican.

Seth-So are you Republican or Democrat?
Me-Democrat. Why?
Seth-I'm a republican. If Obama becomes president me and my friend are going to assasinate him.
Me-Why? Obama seems like a pretty good guy to me.
Seth-I think our president should be full American. Not African American.
Me-Thats really rascist and stupid. You're a jerk. Do you even know what republicans believe?
Seth-Well, I don't know what we believe, but I know the democrats are stupid.
Me-Are you pro life or pro choice?
Seth-What does that mean?
Me-Pro choice means you're for the choice of abortion. Pro life means you're against abortion.
Seth-Pro choice because republicans are for choices.

by holly the ginger kid. September 15, 2007

1397๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž


A simpleton fool known for making stupid mistakes and war. Also, republicans are known for being prideful of crap.

George W. Bush and George Bush are great examples of this.

by DeathExperts February 10, 2005

926๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who advocates for violence yet does not participate.

As a Republican, I believe that we should invade all countries that are not like the United States and lay waste to all peoples who do not ascribe to our ideals, but I can't help cuz I got a bum elbow. And I get dizzy if I see blood. Go USA!

by Liberal Combat Vet September 7, 2010

1338๐Ÿ‘ 254๐Ÿ‘Ž


American born without a soul.

The Republican voted against extending unemployment, because he felt it was better to rob the poor to give to the rich.

The Republican believes in the right to life for already aborted stem cells that will never grow into a human being, but supports the death penalty for people who are alive. He believes in supporting life for everyone who is not poor, short, yellow, black, brown, a liberal or an animal. Politically correctly called "Soul-less-Americans" feel no connection to any other living being, but instead use passionate arguments to advance desires for monetary power and control of others.

by WisdomX November 19, 2010

1464๐Ÿ‘ 279๐Ÿ‘Ž


An American who feels no shame in admitting they do not care about other countries, or even people within their own country. Such Americans are usually averse to any sort of tax whatsoever, and like to try and force their beliefs on other people. Republicans see no shame in doing whatever is necessary to get their own way, even if it means stealing an 'election.' Republicans tend to be very religious, and not particularly intelligent. Republicans that are intelligent are usually appalled by the rest of their clan.

"George Bush and Sarah Palin are Republican. This is a very strong argument why you should never vote Republican."

"Republicans believe in a loving God that hates Liberals, Mexicans, Muslims, Immigrants in General, Socialists, Communists and everyone else remotely different from them. Republicans believe in the timeless Christian creed of Love Thy Neighbour, as long as thy Neighbour votes Republican.

by RangersFC2008 December 4, 2008

1495๐Ÿ‘ 285๐Ÿ‘Ž


While it is true that the Republican party used to be the party of Lincoln, and that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill than Democrats, modern day Republicans are very different.

In 1964 Democrats from northern states voted almost unanimously for the civil rights bill, Democrats from the south voted almost unanimously against it. The Democrats who opposed civil rights were southern conservatives, they would be Republicans today.

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, he left the Democratic party in 1964 specifically because he opposed civil rights for blacks. Charles Pickering, the conservative judge appointed to a federal appeals court by GW Bush during a senate recess was a Democrat and switched to the Republican party in 1964, specifically because he opposed civil rights for African Americans. Many Republicans who supported civil rights became Democrats in 1964.

Look at a map of former slave states and compare it to a map of the 2004 electoral college results. Notice a pattern? Ohio, Indiana and Iowa changed from free states in 1861 to Republican states in 2004, Maryland and Delaware changed from slave states in 1861 to Democratic states in 2004. Except for those 5 states, the maps match up exactly.

2004 Electoral College Map:
1861 Slave State Map:

Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.

by juan gomez June 16, 2005

1414๐Ÿ‘ 268๐Ÿ‘Ž


A redneck, gun loving, democracy hating, hypocrite that typically belives democratically elected leaders are tyrants, fascists, or Socialists, despite the fact that in reality the US already has elements of Socialism in place. Responsible for 90% of America's current problems. Synonyms of Republicans include bullshit, dumbfucks, and elitist ignorant bastards

Republicans make good cannon fodder

by Screw Republicans March 4, 2010

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