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Sheep is a cloven-hooved, hollow-horned animal. There are over 900 different breeds of sheep througout the world, and only about 70 live in the United States.

Not all sheep breeds have horns. In fact, most of them don't. When sheep don't have horns, they are considered polled. If they have little stubs that are loosely attached to their head, those are called scurs. Also, not all sheep have wool. Some breeds, like the Katahdin and Wiltshire Horn, have hair, like a goat.

Sheep's tails need to be docked when they're born for sanitary reasons. Sheep were not originally designed to have wool; they were bred to have wool, and wet manure + wool + long tail + hot day = tail stuck to the body so the animal cannot poop, and it puts the sheep in medical jeopardy. Hair sheep's tails do not need to be docked.

Sheep are docile, gentle, and friendly. They only "baa" when they're seperated from their flockmates or if they see you coming to feed them.

Female sheep are called ewes. Intact male sheep are called rams. Castrated rams are called wethers. Sheep under 1 year old are called lambs. One year old sheep are called yearlings.

Rams are mean - especially around breeding season (fall for seasonal breeders and all the time for year-round breeders). NEVER trust a ram because if they ram into you, they could break a bone. And never put two unfamiliar rams together in a large pen. They will kill each other.

Despite common belief, sheep are anything but stupid. In fact, universities have studied the intelligence of sheep and they came up with the conclusion that they are as smart as pigs! (Pigs are extremely smart...just go to YouTube and type in "pig tricks".)

Sheep are also confused with goats. There are SO many differences, it's annoying when people can't tell a sheep from a goat. Goats go "maa," sheep go "baa." Goats are browsers, sheep are grazers. Goat's tails are up, sheep's tails are down. Plus, sheep are extremely sensitive to copper in their diet, so you should NEVER feed them any food intended for cattle, goats, horses, llamas, or any other animal, because it WILL kill them.

Sheep also make great pets (I have four of my own).

Sheep are so amazing!! They're the best animal ever.

by Sheep Girl July 27, 2009

62๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Super Hot Eastern European Person

Omg, do you see that shirtless guy over there? What a Sheep!

by Bobabcdef October 29, 2018

49๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) A person who exclusivly follows a group, movement, political party, organization, etc., and tends to hold the opinion or ideals of this group in high esteem, even if the opinion/ideal is negative or is problematic. This is generally because of a positive bias towards this group, or a negative bias towards groups who represent the opposite viewpoint. Often, people who fit this definition of "sheep" are assosiated with negativity, and are accused of being uable to "think for themselves."

2) Similar to deffinition 1, a "sheep" can also refer to someone who is a fan of certain types of entertainment (ex. music, film, etc), simply because it is popular, and it therefore reflects positivly on this person if they are a fan.

3) A common farm animal.

Ex. 1) "Oh, he only watches Fox News because he's a conservative SHEEP!"

2) "Dannica is a SHEEP! She only listens to Kanye West because she wants to fit in with the popular kids!"

3) "That's a SHEEP in the grass. It goes: 'Bahhh!'"

by TedStix December 3, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fuzzy funny-looking animal that goes "rarrrr!"

person: Look at that sheep!
sheep: rarrr!

by Crescent Moon June 21, 2004

817๐Ÿ‘ 368๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Large, cute farm animal whose wool is harvested to make clothing and other goods. Also, sheep meat or mutton is a popular and tasty delicacy in many cultures.

2. A person who mindlessly follows someone else's agenda, usually that of the loudest and dumbest person around. See politics and online games.

3. Popular love partner for Welshmen everywhere.

1. Sheep make great pets, particularly if you live in a cold climate.

me> So do you like that online game?
guy> actually no, its lame and shitty but everyone else plays it so i have to or i wouldnt be cool anymore. also i like michael moore because hes big and loud, not sure what he believes in tho
me> Congratulations, you sir are a sheep.

3. Honest Llyffl's Ranch and Brothel

by C++ June 3, 2006

70๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Koalasheep. Cannot be said without the exclamation mark.

"Aren't you watching 309?"


by Dylan0513 November 20, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Person or people that mindlessly do what they are told, or just mill around in an easily controlable manner.

"No-one actually likes that stuff, they only think they do because that's what they are told to think. They're such sheep."

by DarkCryst March 30, 2004

68๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž