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Sheriff's Star

Another term for one's asshole

Getting ready to give Adam a good long rimjob, Steven quickly discovered Adam's sheriff's star was still dirty from his last dump. Steve then told Adam to take a hot shower and scrub hard

by pepperpiper November 29, 2015

Sheriff of Nothingham

A mall cop. Other rent-a-cop like security person. Usually armed with a walkie-talkies and pot bellies. Preferred transportation is a Segway.

We was at the mall breakin Joey's balls in the food court and the Sheriff of Nothingham says I gotta be quiet.

by Deli Llama November 23, 2011

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shot the sheriff

Before a relationship is committed (which is often different from consummated, depending on your morals, values, and comfort level), the title for the main person in your life is ‘Sheriff’. To have a ‘Sheriff’, one does not need a ‘Deputy’ or ‘Deputies’, though that could be considered acceptable given the only slight significance of the title over a ‘friend’ status. ‘Shooting the sheriff’ is effectively the same as breaking up, but since the relationship was not elevated to boyfriend/girlfriend there is no semantic modification of the terms of said relationship.

Tom: “Dude, weaksauce, I shot the sheriff.”
Brian: “Liquid lamecake, Broseph! You should grab some Boddingtons and we’ll throw down on some Dr. Mario.”

by Jack Krabitz August 5, 2007

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Sheriff Chex

A person that is easily offended when called "gay" and try's hard to be good at something they are not.

"Hey sheriff chex"
"don't call me that i got a girlfriend"

by behay September 4, 2020

sheriff of nottingham

A person or entity of authority, such as a CEO or government, who unfairly gains wealth at the expense of those under their authority via exorbitant taxes, garnishments, etc. regardless of legality

That crooked boss of ours is a real sheriff of nottingham...the bastard keeps cutting our wages so he can make bigger profits.

by sirgillius March 1, 2010

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butt sheriff

patroler of the anus

A lover of black penis named Jackie LeBlanc patrols asshole all night in her butt sheriff mobile.

by Tyrone Nagger August 2, 2007

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tit sheriff

A woman who derides or criticises another woman's boobs.
A woman who can pick every obvious fault with another woman's boobs

"Wow check out that woman's tits they are spectacular" said, Mark.

"No way, they are lopsided and saggy" said Mel.

"Gee Mel who made you the tit sheriff?"

by tastefully smutty December 1, 2011