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An unrealistic relationship that you love so much but causes you so much pain and misery forcing you to scream "MY FEELS!" while sliding out of your chair because it never comes true even though it's so obvious it should.

Johnlock, Destiel, Drarry
"Drarry is my ship."

by The Dino Girl December 26, 2012

2211๐Ÿ‘ 842๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pairing or couple that you want to get a relationship (its root word)or romance in a fandom ect.
Your quote otp being your favorite
Or a big boat but thats not as interesting

OMG my ship just sailed!
P.s. fangurl screams are highly leathal and are to be avoided

gurl yo ship aint ever gonna sail

What about your otp

My ship has fired its canons k

by Sirenity025 July 23, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A couple. Two people one thinks should date, or likes that they do/did. Usually combines the two names to make a ship name, i.e.:John+Karen=Jaren. Usually the boy's name goes first, however it is used. It can combine the last names to such as peazer+payne=payzer. A rare form of a ship name is one name inside another, such as louis+eleanor=elounor(i don't ship it). A ship is the couple. To ship something is to suppourt the ship. Shipping is when you create ships. Ships are most commonly used in fandoms or with celebrities, but are also used for people you know. Also commonly used for fictional characters.

"Do you ship Joe and Stacey?"
"Yes! Their ship name should be Stoe. Or Jacey!"
"Oh, they are such a cute couple."

by swift_direction February 20, 2014

280๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fandom uses this word as a verb to denote their interest in the possible (and perhaps more often impossible) romantic relationship between two characters in a piece of fiction belonging to any medium. It's really never used in a platonic way, but if it ever is, people tend to separately emphasize that they are using it platonically.

Usually written: Character/Character or CharacterxCharacter. Fanfiction without any shipping, or with little emphasis on ship is usually labeled genfic, which there is a depressing lack of.

Person 1: It is a little weird how much I am retroactively shipping DoogiexVinnie.
Person 2: Yeah. That's kinda damaged. And Vinnie's like a little weasel. He's got a weasel face.
Person 1: But did you notice how weirdly gay they are for each other???
Person 2: No. Eww. Stop talking.

by Heligoland December 4, 2009

620๐Ÿ‘ 257๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v.) to support or endorse a romantic paring that is not canon in the work(s) in which they appear. The shipping of couples is often the purpose of many fanfiction stories. Used for characters in anime, manga, video games, tv shows, etc.

Fangirl: I ship EdxRoy!!!!

by koipond May 20, 2010

2388๐Ÿ‘ 1055๐Ÿ‘Ž


In fanfic, putting characters into a romantic relationship, such as writing Ash + Misty from Pokemon as a couple. Often plays on perceived chemistry between characters in the original series. Abbreviated form of the word relationshipping.

These fanfics are just a load of shipping. There's no plot...

by Blue Jack July 11, 2008

452๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž


A ship is when you put 2 people's names together and want them to be in a relationship. Most commonly used among fandoms.

I ship destiel so hard, they're my otp!!!

by Gguurrrl September 27, 2017

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž