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Spare Tire

The fifth person on a double date. Similar to the third wheel.

John was a spare tire on our date last night. It got especially awkward when he started taking pictures of us.

by GingerMarie September 10, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spare tire

When your with two other couples or people hooking up. A more sever case of third wheel

"Hey man i head jackie and kevin, jessica and tyler were hooking up while you were there at the movies?"

Yeah dude, felt like succh a spare tire.."

by DragonAF February 5, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

spare tire

blunt roach or joint roach

shit man i smoked most my weed all i have left is this spare tire...wanna change it? hellz yea hippy

by hippy412 March 28, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

redneck spare tire

a piece of wood cut to the definitions of a tire, and attached to the axle not by the bolts, but with duct tape.

-going down a road-
-massive bump-
-tire flies off a cliff-
guy 1 "$h1t!... great, now i gotta' go make me a redneck spare tire"
-cuts down a tree with a conveniently placed chainsaw in the back of his truck-
-makes a wheel and attaches it with duct tape-
-drives home-

by leviathantheinsane June 22, 2013

Uncle D's Spare Tire

A term used to describe the midsection of an extremely fat and possibly homosexual man. It is a large, protruding ring of fat along the waste made especially visible when tight Adidas tops are worn by the person possessing it.

That man is huge, looks like he has "Uncle D's Spare Tire"

by JOBLO41 August 4, 2017

spare tire date

An extension of the Third wheel. A person who is in a room full of people who are either occupied by, or attained to the opposite sex. Usually tagged along as a "Spare tire," while couples or touchy friends cuddle during a movie, gala, event.

"One night we were together, I just sat there, it was like a spare tire date."

by Mrfantastic September 15, 2013

[spare tire]

the "fat boner" that is created when the waist band of one's pants are rather snug; the bulge of fat below the waistband of a pair of tight pants

faloner come in various sizes and often take years to grow to a respectable size

good places to spot faloners are usually the isles of walmart, dollar stores, and fast food resturants

These pants really accentuate my faloner.

That girl's faloner jiggles nicely while she dances.

She doesnt have a fat stomach, she has a nice faloner.

Thats not just any spare tire, thats an amazing faloner.

by poopshaft24 January 2, 2009