Source Code

Stromboli Poppin'

When you are eating a delicious stromboli, then you are stromboli poppin'.

Damn, girl, you got your stromboli poppin'.

by Matty Diesel November 11, 2011

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Beef Stromboli

A huge turd.

Zig: Hey I'm gonna go pinch off a large beef stromboli.
Awesometrader5000: I don't give a shit.

by Frank Rizzoni October 28, 2009

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Russian Stromboli

When a woman has a yeast infection and a guy eats her pussy anyway.

"I just have my girl a Russian Stromboli."

by Bad Angel September 22, 2019

Soulless Stromboli

An individual who contributes nothing to society and has the general personality of the stromboli food. (meaning they don't have a personality.)

Carl seems like a soulless stromboli to me. I've never seen him do anything worthwhile.

by Reptilesrcool July 23, 2022

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Big Stromboli

a powerful combo, that takes time to prepare.
*not related to the masturbatory term, stromboli.*

get ready for the big stromboli, boi!
the big stromboliiiiiiiiii

by anarchy morty August 16, 2018

Cold Stromboli

The surprise that occurs when sitting down on a freezing toilet seat.

I got cold stromboli when taking a shit on our skiing trip.

by 2praslin March 2, 2019

The Natoli Stromboli

World's longest and heaviest penis

Have you ever heard of the Natoli Stromboli

by qwerty turtle November 17, 2021