What is Urban Dictionary? Urban Dictionary is a website you are at now. It is a total waste of time. In Urban Dictionary, RANDOM PEOPLE post meanings of other RANDOM PEOPLE which they 99.9999999999999999999% don't know. But sometimes people get happy while listening to praises of their own.
Yay! Someone said that I'm pretty in The Urban Dictionary!!! I'm so happy.
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A place where people go when they're bored. As your reading this, your most likely in a boring class right now. The Urban Dictionary not only has slang terms, but also normal definitions. You can type anything in The Urban Dictionary and most likely find a definition. You can also make your own definitions, but lets be honest it probably won't make it to the front page....oh wait.
The Urban Dictionary is a waste of time.
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Wanna hear a joke? The urban dictionary.
lmao u fucking suck at jokes
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The Urban Dictionary is something u waste time on
I'd love to waste time on The Urban Dictionary!
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A dictionary that, every time I read it, my faith in humanity declines a little.
Urban Dictionary is supposedly for defining your world.
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A site with an amazing concept that was great up until 2005-ish. Today, 90% of Urban Dictionary is clogged with bizarre sexual acts that have fucking nothing to do with the original definitions.
The site in general is poorly moderated and misspelled to the bone. I often wonder if the creators of this site are still alive. I don't have much of a problem with incorrect spellings, but this shit heap has redefined (no pun intended) the word "misspell"
Today, 10 year olds enjoy this place the most. The small amount of definitions on here that don't relate to sex, usually relates to race or stereotypes. The 0.01% of the normal definitions are from back when this site was decent. Grow the fuck up, people.
(5 years ago)Urban dictionary user: England- A country in Western Europe with a mixed population. Invented the blah blah blah...
(Now) Urban dictionary user: a englend iz wen a gril wif croooked teet bites ur dick. dis becuz peeple in englennd hav bad teeth frm teh tee drinkin
Goodbye Urban Dictionary, you were great while you lasted...
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The ultimate site to procrastinate on.
Andrew was doing his homework, but then started looking up definitions on Urban Dictionary.
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