Source Code


Word is used as slang that means ok.

"Ok students, turn to page 432 in your textbook."

by Noah Armon March 17, 2022

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"Word" is the shortened form of the phrase: "my word is my bond" which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to "word is bond" before becoming "word," which is most commonly used. It basically means "truth." Or "to speak the truth."

"Yo, I fucked twelve bitches last night."
"Word?" ("You speak the truth?")
"Word." ("I speak the truth.")

by LBird October 15, 2005

6986๐Ÿ‘ 2421๐Ÿ‘Ž


A versatile declaration, originating (more or less) in hip-hop culture.

"Word" has no single meaning, but is used to convey a casual sense of affirmation, acknowledgement, agreement, or to indicate that something has impressed you favorably.

Its usage among young blacks has been parodied ad nauseam among clueless suburban whites.

"Come on, man, we're going to the store."

by Greenie August 21, 2003

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On Word

To be serious or honest about something.

Lesley told me she was gay, I said โ€œOn word?โ€ She said yes.

by Saculcm May 11, 2018

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no-no word

1) Used to replace a vulgar or otherwise inappropriate word.

2) Part of an exclamation, used when a person uses a vulgar or inappropriate word.

1) "I can't take this No-no word any more!"

2) "That's a No-no word!"

by Izador November 14, 2016

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no words

Typically means you are at a loss for words. Or you have nothing to say on a matter.

Jack had 'no words' after finding out his girlfriend cheated on him.

What do you think about Jack and his girl Jill breaking up?

Response: "I have no words".

by mellywood2011 December 27, 2011

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it word

Term used to describe a word that becomes widely popular, and is currently experiencing the height of it's popularity. Similar to a buzz word, but an "it word" is more pervasive and used primarily by adolescents and twenty-somethings, whereas buzz words are used mostly by journalists and marketers.

Ex. I heard that toxic is the new "it word", its gonna replace sick!

Ex. Don't be alarmed when your teenage son tells you that your new shirt is fat; they are likely saying phat, spelled P H - it's the "it word" with kids these days.

by Leroy Brown 420 February 4, 2009

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