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The nicest,sweetest, thing a guy can do without bein an asshole.

May i kiss you instead of tryin to get in your pants?

by ILOVEKISSES April 10, 2005

2783๐Ÿ‘ 1263๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The act of touching (usually sucking to various degrees) somebody else's lips (or other body part of your choice) with your own. It's considered quite a big milestone (for members of both genders) when you do it for the first time ever (which is usually probably in Intermediate/Middle School, or High School), and is also considered a milestone (while not to the same degree) when you kiss a partner (whether it be your first or not) for the very first time.

2. An often underrated hard rock band most popular and successful in the 70s.

The co-operative nature of their albums often is often overlooked. Unlike most bands, both those days and these days, Kiss songs are not written and performed by only one lead singer. The original lineup of Paul, Gene, Ace, and Peter (as well as later drummer Eric Carr), all took turns writing various compositions and playing lead singer on them, and they all sing good (especially Paul Stanley). Now, how many modern bands (or even other 70s rock bands such as Led Zeppelin) can you say have the chops to do that? Not many.

1. "Lean in 3/4 and let her take the last 1/4" - Hitch

2. Type into Google, Seeqpod Music Beta, search for KISS, and listen to some of their songs for yourself.

by Dave Benson December 31, 2008

150๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym for Keep It Simple, Stupid

by moi October 16, 2003

3217๐Ÿ‘ 1493๐Ÿ‘Ž


The overture to more exciting lascivious behavior.

Often I've wondered what it would be like to kiss you.
What would your lips taste like?
Could they possibly be as sweat as your disposition?
Could they ever be as warm as your heart?
Would your kisses be short and precious, like the moments we share?
Or would they passionately linger through time, like how my love lingers for you?
Oh how I've wondered!
Oh how I've yearned!
To just once hug your lips with my own.

by nethcev! April 28, 2004

1295๐Ÿ‘ 596๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. contact between the lips of one person and...pretty much anything else. Used as a sign of affection, as greeting (not so much here in America, more in Europe--this kind of kissing may or may not involve actual contact), or as an expression of sexual interest/passion/as foreplay.

v. to do the above.

n. KISS was a 70's four-man American band that sprang from the Metal movement; they delighted in the burlesque and are as well known for their heavily made-up stage personalities as they are for their music. Made an AWFUL movie involving capes and bad dialogue, but nonetheless have a cult following.

1)Mooom, you didn't give me my goodnight kiss!
1)Leah I haven't seen you in ages! *they exchange peck-like kisses on each others' cheeks*
1)*passionate liplock *fadeout**
2)My friend Jeremy is crazy about KISS--he has all their albums, and even their action figure collectibles!

by down_2_earth_angel March 22, 2007

220๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a man and a woman put their lips together and feel the most-wonderful bliss


Grandpa:"Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that rated the most passionate, the most pure... this one left them all behind."

by Jake March 21, 2004

427๐Ÿ‘ 192๐Ÿ‘Ž


a commin way to show affection and express love.it gives of pleasure

he gave ashli a kiss on the lips

by baka_kuso_yarou December 9, 2004

268๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž