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pr. n
1. (technical) A large area of land between the Atlantic and the Pacific, which includes the countries of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, and others.

2. (colloq.) The USA. Shortened, so that nobody could forget it, but shortened in the place that makes people have random arguments about whether America is just the USA, the whole North, or both continents.

3. (deprec.) The place where you went in the 1900s if you fancied one of a few things; a new life, everybody else's money, or a way to get away from people who you pissed off in your past in the country where you started.
syn. 'The American Dream' - getting so rich that you can afford (and, indeed, savour) to not give a fuck for anybody else.

4. (econ.) A place that got rich when others got nowhere by selling to both sides in world conflicts - right up until WW2, where their late arrival into the war did mean a certain victory for the Allies much sooner than it otherwise would have come.

5. (obs.) One of only two nations in the entire world and its history that managed to do nothing in direct opposition to each other for nearly 50 years, and then have this period of nothingness labelled a 'war' of any description.

6. (inf.) Probably the only country that could win in a 'me versus everyone' with the whole world, and despite the sometimes gung-ho antics of the nation, this does not look like it will ever be tested.

7. A country that might, although not alone, manage to repeat history with the fate of the UN. Then again, the UN has been a talking house for the poorer countries for a while now, so nobody would really notice anyway.

8. A nation containing people that, although patriotic (and sometimes blindly), do not quite rival the apparant self-contentedness of the British, even after most are well aware their empire was handed back to the people that lived in its colonies, who then promptly fell back into the hole they were in when they were taken in the first place. (syn. 'irony')

9. The nation that will either cause WW3, or end it - but not both.

10. A place containing large cities that can only be rivalled in their uncleanliness by Tokyo and Jakarta. (syn. 'not a good sign')

11. (tech.) The country containing the most Internet users in the world. Also the country containing the most AOL users in the world. (syn. 'most annoying things ever')

12. (econ.) A country with the most money you'll never ever see in your lifetime.

13. The only country in the entire history of the world to manage to fund, train, and supply things to someone, even indirectly, in their efforts to do harm to America itself. (syn. 'woops')

'Despite being too large, America probably has the best TV shows in the world. Because a lot of it is other nations' shows, reran a few times.'

by Nobody April 17, 2003

3990๐Ÿ‘ 2166๐Ÿ‘Ž


(1) A democratic country in North America composed of 50 states and three branches of government the Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

(2) a place everyone hates for being "ignorant" fat, stupid ass holes that just eat KFC and watch TV all day when they haven't even been here and think all Americans are alike by making judgments of us from what they see on TV.

(3) A place that every other country goes to for help for everything from protection to natural disaster relief (i.e. Pakistan right now with their floods) then say how much they hate Americans.

(4) The country that pretty much made or improved every invention used in modern society (i.e. electricity, airplanes, radio, cell phones, and even sliced bread)

Its always the best that's hated the most...your welcome world

by yesimamerican August 18, 2010

529๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž


A country with several pros and cons, often bashed by pseudo-intellectual teenagers on urbandictionary.com not realizing that urbandictionary is American. While the usa certainly has many flaws and shortcomings, presenting the country in black and white (eg:fat stupid lazy, etc) is nothing more than the ravings of dumbass teenager. The truth is that all countries have there upsides and downsides however being the most influential often means being the most bashed. It's funny how idiots claim that Americans stereotype when they themselves stereotype Americans.


Common sense: If you hate America so much why do you watch AMerican movies, Tv, listen to American music and buy AMerican products. .......... AND WHY DO YOU USE AMERICAN WEBSITES?

by Femhypocrite September 12, 2011

736๐Ÿ‘ 381๐Ÿ‘Ž


a country and thats all it is. It doesn't need any more criticism than it already gets.

America is a country! We all know what countries are

by redhedmusiclovr March 18, 2010

515๐Ÿ‘ 264๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Place Where People Who Love Jesus, SUVs, Big Burgers, Big Women, And Unprotected Sex. Where People Hate Illegal Immigrants, Regular Immigrants, People Who Know Immigrants And Anything With a French Word in It. A Place Where People Pretend Like The Word French Doesn't Exist, Can i Get Some Freedom Fries Amen. A Country That Wears Canada As A Hat And Mexico As A Condom And The Middle East As A Toilet.

America Is Awesome Where Else Can You Get Freedom Toast For Breakfast.

America Once Beat The Devil In A Arm Wrestling Match.

America Sleeps With Cheap Women.

by Potts, Tcarr, And Steven Price. Yes Steven Price December 9, 2007

2893๐Ÿ‘ 1602๐Ÿ‘Ž


The casual way of saying the United States of America. A country everyone else seems to hate. People think the people that live there are all fat, stupid, over-patriotic, religious freaks, and other extremely negative stereotypes that just aren't true. America is a country with fifty states. The prominent language is English and is just a place. (Why does everyone on here hate America/Americans/shit you really shouldn't care about if you hate it this much????) jeez needed some positive definitions :\ idk

"America is the third largest country in the world." -person
"I feel enlightened."-person

by JustsomepersonlivinginNewYork September 26, 2013

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


First of all, all of us Americans understand that there are continents called North and South America. However, our country is named The United States of America, so all of you brilliant people please tell us what you think the world should call people from the USA, seems to me that Americans is the most appropriate.

Anyway, those point aside, the USA is the most powerful country the world has ever seen (the world knows that we're the only super power.) We have the most powerful military the world has ever seen, we have the best troops and the best military technology in the world.
We also have the best and most effective legal system in the world (despite some points I personally disagree with such as capitol punishment.)

So what if there's a lot of fatties here, who cares? We all live happier, more fulfilled lives than any other people in the world.

People around the world have negative views of us based on misinformation and from listening the mad non-sense rambling of hate mongers. Typical Americans don't hate the rest of the world it's just the few crazy blindly patriotic rednecks who do.

The rest of the world can hate us for our freedom, our hard working, optimistic outlooks, or really any reason, but it all comes down the this: In America we think free, speak free, live free, work hard and sleep soundly.

I'm a meat eating, beer drinking red blooded American, and I'll stop waving my flag and beating my chest when i'm blue and cold.

by Wrathgarr March 28, 2010

292๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž