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Toronto Tidal Wave

When a group of women ejaculate on someone's face. The person can be either laying down or on their knees while the women would be surrounding the person in a circle or in single file line. Similar to the male version of this, the bukkake.

I just got a Toronto Tidal Wave from a lacrosse team who happened to be from Europe.

by jb176 June 19, 2010

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Tidal Wave (Fart)

The act of producing an extremely potent fart that first, overwhelms the creator's cubicle filling the tiny space with toxic gas, and second, then billows up and over all four walls to flow into and consume his or her's fellow employees' cubicles, hallways, or offices, much like a tidal wave crashing over a wall wiping out everything in it's path.

Employee 1: Oh my god that is terrible, must've been the chimichanga I had for lunch.

(A minute passes.)

Employee 2: *gag* Jesus Christ Joe was that you?
Employee 3: That smells like Bigfoot's dick.
Employee 4 (walking by): *nearly throws up into trash can next to the copier*
Employee 1: That's what I call the tidal wave (fart).

by 10th Floor Insanity June 19, 2010

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tidal wave poopie

when you take shit so bad that it hit the water so hard you get shit-water splashed back on your ass-hole....

my sister took a tidal wave poopie and had her legs open and she bent over to take a crap or to look at it im not really 4 sure and then the water splashed in her face!! :)

by Sara Thomas December 5, 2007

ten finger tidal wave

A form of the Japanese game "Kancho" where rather then using 1 pointer finger from both hands you use all ten fingers to shove up somebody's anus.


by Jamesjamesjames69 May 12, 2019

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suicidal tidal wave goodbye

a suicidal tidal wave goodbye is someones final goodbye by takin there own life in such a way that it effects everyone around them including there local community

how devastating did you hear that bob killed himself man such a suicidal tidal wave goodbye as its affecting everyone who has heard the sad news even the people who have never met him

by ODog N Cali M.C N T April 8, 2009

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Taco Bell Tidal Wave

After taking your lady friend out for some fine cuisine at a local taco bell - for the best results beef burritos work the best. she sits on your face and releases a fart - the shockwaves from the fart travels along your tongue causing a vibrating sensation against her vagine.

"Dude did you hear about Cubbie?"

"No Man what happened?"

"He took Misty out for some Mexican food last night - she rode the Taco Bell Tidal wave for a half an hour before he got sick!"

"What a fuckface!"

by Senor Stink Plumber February 22, 2011

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happy birthday tidal wave

When you're at school and one of your friends in the class wishes you happy birthday outloud, reminding the others, that you born that day, and they all start saying happy birthday.

"do you want another happy birthday tidal wave next year?"
"no thanks, and please next time don't say it outloud, it is so awkward"

by ihateschoolsobadlyomfg October 14, 2013

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