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The best , cutest boy you will ever meet.
With a great sense of humor.
He will make you fall in love with just a smile, girls go crazy over him

OMG timmy is so perfect

by I'm a boy July 10, 2018

26πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Name of the biggest nerd in existence. This kid beat you on every single test by at least 20% each time. While you were being bottle fed watching my little pony, Timmy was solving the worlds hardest math problems. He outshines you in every area and probably will go to Harvard. He flexes his muscles on you because he is 3x more athletic. He has 10x the amount of friends that you do. Massive alpha male and constantly steals your women. He knows more about coding than there is to know. Not only is Timmy the smartest person you’ll ever meet, he’s also one of the nicest. Gives better advice than your grandmother. Enjoys cookies in his free time.

Charlie: Yo guess who won the national spelling bee?

Simon: Oh, I bet it was Timmy.

Charlie: Did I mention he was also nominated valedictorian?

by jim frowning November 7, 2020

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The act of doing something really retarded, and then making it seem like he meant to do that, or as if it's not his fault for doing something stupid

Allison: Haha that kid just fell down
Bob: Did he seriously just trip down the stairs
Allison: Yeah he pulled a timmy
Bob: Haha what an idiot

by FCTSFunnyGuy January 8, 2010

245πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


Timmy is the sweetest guy ever, he can be a bit shy and awkward at times but when you get to know him you will see how amazing he really is. Some girls might not say he’s that attractive but others think he’s super hot. While some argue over if he looks good everyone agrees that he is the sweetest most kind and amazing person ever. If you are friends with Timmy he will protect you, he won’t let no bully bring you down or hurt you. Timmy is extremely smart, you might find him in the honors classes at your school. He is super athletic too, he can run fast and plays ball like it’s nobodies business. If you’ve got a Timmy in your life then you are extremely lucky and should hold on to him because you might not find another person that will love and appreciate you like him.

Person 1: I think I’m in love with my best friend😳
Person 2: What, with me?
Person 1: No, eww, with Timmy.πŸ₯°

by 😁😁😁Illuminati Duck😘😘😘 June 4, 2021

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A Timmy is an absolute madman with zero morals and no dignity, they will do anything for a couple bucks.

"Dude Timmy just stole that chicks wig!"

"I know I gave him 10 bucks to do it."

by RatSoupThiccy April 18, 2019

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


One of the most amazing guys you'll ever meet. He's kind, funny, loyal, cute, and just someone you can go to if you're having a bad day. He's a gentleman and treats his girlfriend (who loves him so much and is extremely lucky to have him) like a princess. Family means everything to him and there's no doubt about it that he'd be an AMAZING dad someday. He loves sports, but football is his absolute favorite. He has a teddy-bear-like disposition making him liked by almost everybody and earning him the nickname 'care bear' (Timmy Bear from his girlfriend). He's definitely one of a kind and is someone you want to keep in your life forever <3

Timmy's girlfriend: what did I ever do to deserve Timmy? <3

by gabybearbyrheart August 11, 2016

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Timmy is a guy who basically gets any girl he wants and gives the BEST sex a girl could ever wish for. Usually he'll use his amazing charm and looks to make you feel like he wants to be with you but once he gets what he wants hes done.
AND he'll tell you he loves you but he doesnt because he only loves his stupid skinny "perfect" middle school sweetheart. A Timmy also thinks he runs shit and needs to learn that just cause your hot and "street smart" doesnt mean anything

"Alex must be retarded to think she can tame a Timmy"

"Your from danville, stop acting like a Timmy"

by goodluck9526 August 10, 2008

735πŸ‘ 648πŸ‘Ž