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Deflecting mean-spirited or judgmental opinions by providing a disingenuous or superficial compliment.

Similar to a complimentary facial, except used as a means of escape from an awkward situation rather than to insult.

J: That new girl is such a geek.
M: Oh shit, she's coming over here.
J: Hey Gina...uhhh I like ur braces!
M: You tinged that quite nicely.

by j-lingo August 6, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ting Ting

To own above all ownes.

The soccer player hooked the ball around the goalie for the wining goal.

Soccer player - " I just ting tinged that goalie!"

by free email October 9, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

and ting

a phrase used to make gangstas understand wot u r saying. can also randomly pop up anywhere where it suits the rhythm of the conversation.

Gentleman to a raging hord of gangstas and wanabees:Say chaps do you know the way to the nearest railway link why ive been wondering round for hours and one cant seem to find it anywhere
Gangsta 1: ay blud wot is manz chattin bout
gangsta 2: ahh leave im blud he just a poomplex
wanabee: yes a very bad poomplex u get me
Gentleman: i mean do you know where the nearest train station and ting is
GAngsta 1:yh safe blud its just on ur left innit aw mans is safe and ting

by deane October 15, 2007

80๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

On tings

When two people are talking a lot and flirting and maybe getting intimate however are not officially going out so they are just on tings with each other

'What's going on with u and Jade'
'Ah nothing offivial we just on tings you know'

by Amylee24 August 30, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used by people in Toronto. Ting means a girl.

There were so many hot tings at Jonas's party.

by OGNIGGA October 25, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

ting ting

A penis.

The suspect was caught tugging on his ting ting outside the ladies room at T.G.I Fridays. No charges have been filed.

by Donald Dump April 27, 2011

32๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


a pretty girl

the word ting in the chinese language means slim, graceful and elegant. it refers to a pretty girl.

you would say 'that pretty girl is ting.'

by loltalkerhey January 14, 2012

169๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž