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toothy bj

When the woman uses her teeth while performing oral sex to a man.

Watch your teeth, bitch! I don't want no toothy bj!

by comadrealpha October 23, 2015

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Toothy Toppy

When a female overestimates her neck game and scrapes her teeth against your shaft during a blowjob.

Alternate; when a girl uses too much teeth.

Friend: Yo, I was helping Jessica study for her math test, and next thing I know she was about to give me neck.

Other friend: So? Does Jessica give that sloppy toppy?
Friend: Nah bro, all she’s got is toothy toppy. Still came tho.

Other friend: Nice...

by UltimateGooby April 22, 2019

Toothy McTooferson

A dentist from MySpace who probably isn't even a real dentist.

Don't give Toothy McTooferson too much credit. He feeds off it!

by Boozy Irish Floozie February 12, 2009

Toothy blow

What most girls mistakenly think passes for a blowjob because none of their lovers have had the balls to tell them to open their goddamn mouth wider.

"How the hell did you get AIDS from a blowjob?"
"It was a toothy blow, man...(sniff)"

by Intermezzo February 8, 2005

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Toothy Tile

another word for gay men.

Girl 1: I heard that Jake Gyllenhaal is finally going to marry Reese Witherspoon.

Girl 2: I can't believe Jake is still keeping up this sham with Reese. Everyone knows he's Toothy Tile!.

by Danneel August 3, 2008

32πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

toothy starfish

An asshole so full of hemorrhoids and/or anal warts that when you insert your penis into it, you feel more like you're receiving a toothy blow.

"Tom, why does your dick look like it went through a meet grinder?"
"Because I took the dirt path and to my horror she had a fucking toothy starfish!"
"Shit. Rest in peace Tom's dick. Rest in peace."

by CaptinStabN September 26, 2017

toothy head

A person not well experienced with fellatio; often scrape their teeth over the tender meatus of a penis head.

Betty Lou was not very good giving Tyrone head. She scraped his meatus while giving him toothy head.

by Richard Black March 2, 2005

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