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white trash

A person, or group of persons, who exhibit the following characteristics:

-own more than three yard cars and/or two RVs which must be up on blocks. An extension cord running to the RV is necessary to complete the look. Optional is the standard issue blue tarp covering one or more of the vehicles.

-Huntin' hounds, as many as possible.

-Attack chickens.

-Standard issue Mullet, Nascar shirt(may be substituted with an Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 shirt), and acid wash or camofluage pants.

-Unusual fondness for their siblings.

-Still in mourning over Dale Earnhardt.

Some good places to spot these specimens are the local drag races, Costco during food sample time, and DMV.

Bobby Joe's mullet makes him look so white trash.

by hunter June 23, 2004

2787๐Ÿ‘ 899๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash

A very broad term that can vary from region to region. Usually used to describe lowclass, selfish, and generally unintelligent people who usually don't know, or are in denial about thier overall shitty lifestyle.They are usually behind the current trends by 4-10 years.

Though it does vary regionally, some common characteristics may include:

-In men, a shaved head and goatee beard are common to cast the illusion that they are a bouncer at a bar

-In women it is common to see skimpy clothing and tattoos on thier back above thier pantline (see tramp stamp)

-Some wear clothing that was popular with African-Americans 3-4 years ago. Also,they sometimes wear basketball jerseys and shorts, though thier physique would suggest that they have never played any sports...ever

-Talk and act like they are good at fighting, usually it is in fact, only an act.

-They buy items to repair thier home, car, etc. though with good intentions, usually aren't used and sometimes converted to various pieces of furniture

-Are always proud of material items that someone else has(usually thier boss, or brother in law)

-Get tattoos and tongue or eyebrow piercings even though they have been out of style for approx. ten years

-Use "big" words and don't know the definition...or try to sound well spoken around non white trash. ex: "What had happened was,he had the audacity to not wanna fight, so i punched him in the face."

-Usually white trash can also be identified through thier children.Excessive animal hair on thier clothing, mohawk haircuts, and professional wrestling t-shirts are indicators.Along with loud talking, screaming, and intrusive questions to complete strangers.

-Use material items as an extension to prove thier worth or manhood. Including big trucks and or wheels, big dogs (pitbulls), and big television sets

-They almost always have a large ego. They feel that they are neverwrong or at fault and if you feel differently they will threaten you physically

-They have very unique political views. The ones that actually work usually vote democrat because the media makes them feel they are upperclass if they do so. Ironically the non working ones with "disabilities" (bad back) are proud republicans even though its the democrats that keep thier welfare checks coming

-They always talk of being good parents, and upstanding citizens,though rarely are

-They don't feel that music is good unless it's been played on the radio a million times

-Not original thinkers, they only do or enjoy what they feel is mainstream and need constant verification from thier peers

-Ironically, they always have a negative opinion about everyone elses lifestyle or choices

-They sometimes do good things for others, but only so they can tell everyone about it and feel good about themselves or if there is a reward involved

-Are blindly proud of thier country, but have no understandind of how it actually operates

-They usually hate people that are more succesfull than them, but never do anything to better themselves

-Reality shows,or talent shows like American Idol are very popular with white trash as is daytime talk shows and police chase shows

-Many regularly attend motorsports events like Nascar, monster truck rallies, and demolition derbys...mostly the ones where they serve beer

-Any time a person has mossy oak camo furniture,or seat covers in thier vehicle, or wear camo clothing even when its not hunting season,they automatically qualify

-They are more liberal with thier money. Instead of saving,feeding thier children, or paying thier bills on time, they will buy video game consoles, and big screen televisions with any extra money they happen upon (tax returns,stimulus checks, or lottery/casino winnings)

There is a common misconception that white trash are only beer drinking,mullet having,camaro driving dirt bags that live in trailers, but that is an antiquated notion.With the help of Wal-Mart and over-seas trade, they can afford new clothes more often and blend in with regular people, so they are harder to spot these days.

Hey, look at the white trash, they have a big-screen tv box on thier porch

by Mr. gix September 12, 2008

235๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash

anyone who goes by the name Paris Hilton, wants to be Paris Hilton, knows Paris Hilton, or has spent one night in Paris Hilton.

"Paris Hilton proves you don't have to be poor to be white trash".


by your mom October 11, 2004

10475๐Ÿ‘ 3731๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Trash

An individual that may or may not be poor, but is monumentally ignorant and quite possibly stupid.

All Matt talks about is NASCAR when he can barely remember what street he lives on. What a piece of white trash.

by tradesman April 1, 2003

1892๐Ÿ‘ 677๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Trash

The word "White Trash" is thrown around a lot these days. People usually corollate white trash with being poor. You can actually be white trash and be on any level of the social class; rich, poor, middle class, poverty, whatever. Some people are simply less privileged than others, so they can not be judged by the things they posess.
The definition of White Trash sort of goes along with Jeff Foxworthy's definition of Redneck which is "An extreme abscence of sophistication." That's all white trash is; however, even if one has nice things that person can still be white trash. White Trash people are often times so unsophisticated that they do not even know they are white trash. If one is truly white trash that person is not supposed to know about it.
It is just a coincidence, but many white trash people have bad taste in things. Nascar lovers are often white trash. People who get drunk are often white trash. A drink or a glass of wine are nice every now and then , but getting plastered and shit-faced is just stupid. What's even more white trash than that is saving all of your beer bottles and putting them on the counter. As if they need to be on display. They exhibit other bad habits. They smoke a lot. They have very low grooming standards. The smell bad. They have terrible taste and are badly dressed; tank tops, bandanas, etc...They put their couches on their front porches, and it just looks hideous. They do not take very good care of their kids. They sometimes abuse them or are very negligent. The beat their spouses. Their English is very improper. They also like to curse a lot. They think that saying the "f-word" every other word makes them sound like big people.
What makes people more white trash than anything is their moral judgement however. They take pleasure in hurting others. They are racist. They sleep around a lot and don't even bother to use protection. They date people who do not respect them, or they do not respect their partners. They pick on other people to make themselves feel good. They love to be verbally abusive. They enjoy picking fights, and being rude because it gives them pleasure. Anytime they are nice to other people there is always an alterior motive for some personal gain. They are greedy. They are selfish. Instead of supporting their families they will buy extravegant things for themselves such as a high definition television. White trash people are just bad people. They basically have no social grace, and they feel that the world owes them.

Britney Spears: (stoned) Government came and took my baby! Oh well! Maybe I'll go exploit myself some more. While I'm at it I'll go marry some grungy guy who does not respect me! Fuck yeah!
Oprah: Britney you are so White Trash!

by YesYouWillPublishThis January 26, 2009

111๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash

Someone who is/looks like white trash. A person from the south who has no class or culture and looks and lives like a piece of white trash. Someone who dosen't have any money and is most likely from a poor family. Also can be a pig-headed individual. One of the unwashed masses.

1. Look at M. Rehmeyer.. he looks like such poor white trash with his dirty clothes sitting in that shitty house with fishing rods on the couch.

2. Someone who looks or acts like a character off the tv show 'my name is earl'

by Jsat34 February 12, 2008

146๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash

Low-class white people who are usually poor, on welfare, have no ambition, often for generations, typically
curse, drink(mainly beer) , smoke, take drugs, are typically promiscuous, fight, yell, have bad grammar, are loud, crude, do jail time, feud with neighbors, are generally known to police, domestic abuse and incest is common, they like country music, Bingo, lotteries, Mullets, NASCAR, monster trucks, wrestling, soap-operas, sports, pick-up trucks, tail-gate parties, live in trailers, rent, subsidized housing, usually overweight,stringy hair, no (or missing) teeth, slovenly in appearance and manners, are uncouth, rude, uncultured, often highschool drop-outs, tattooed, teenage mothers are common, dress sloppy, sleazy, neglect or beat their kids, siblings often have different fathers; generally are rural, and are often racists.

Britney Spears and her family are all white trash!
"Look at the bikers!What white trash!"

by Pogmotoin January 9, 2008

107๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž