Word used to describe labia on a vagina that is excessive and loosely dangling, so much so that it resembles a turkey’s wattle; Hence combining the terms “twat” and “wattle”. Similarly used terms include Arby’s (Roast Beef) and Laffy Taffy.
Damn bruh, that chic from the club last night was fine as hell but the coochie had way too much twattle! I wasn’t ready for Thanksgiving dinner but I had to throw some baby gravy on it!
Is like carroling but with twats. Can also be used to describe a group of twats or to describe a baby twat.
"Henry did you see that group of twats singing from door to door?"" Yes, Mary, they were twattling."
"Mom did you see that group of twats over there?"
"Yes Billy, they call that a twattling."
"OMG, did you see the baby twattling over there? It was so cute. It had the softest looking twat fuzz i have ever seen!"
little poop particles that hang to a guys ass-hairs when they don't wipe well
"you're an ass, you twattle berry eating idiot!"
n- a time for a moron who cannot hear.
origination: english, a really loud dining hall
What time is it?
-Twattle cot?
twattle cot? what is twattle cot??!!
-twelve o'clock moron!!
n,adj- origination{English/dining hall} 1. is another word for "twelve o'clock." 2. this is what happens when someone says "what time is it?" and a moron hears "twattle cot" instead of "twelve o'clock." 3. is the cause of histerical laughing
what time is it? it's twattle cot time!