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hes a nice person altho most people think he has a dick kink and loves men he is the one to have dildos in his bedroom he turned gay when he realized he cant pull any bitches so he went for men still cant pull none he is a lonly person ho has all the gay kinks you can think of his cock is 1.3 inches long and he is always talking about it he is mostly atracted to middle age men named yong

Tyce stop being so fucking gay all the time and get off yong

by big DADDAY YOUG March 21, 2022


A pack of psycho rats who normally mob poor homeless people. Most of them can fly with their wings as they are twinks and love sucking some huge dick.

Oh no! A pack of Tyce!”

by hehehheehjwkekeujebbe r March 10, 2024


An average good looking person that is good at computers and karate. He is a loyal friend.

Hi tyce zf yirl vf splx.

by grabit pushit March 23, 2021


Congrats. You have a unique name. You know every single Pokémon name and you like to draw, everyone who considers you a furry later gets beat in Pokémon Ultra Sun by your Reshiram with the same name as you in all caps (TYCEE). You are a massive hypocrite and somehow people still like you. Oh yeah, you can't go a day without saying E and your friends only play Minecraft with you because you watch Pewdiepie's Minecraft series and you own the world with the most fun added into it.

Huh. This russian sure reminds me of a Tycee.

by Sad Loser Named Tycee July 21, 2019

Shayla and Tyce

Cute as fuck and are the best couple on the planet and they belong to be together forever and by the way Shayla is hella thiccc🍑

“Have you seen Shayla and Tyce”
Yea they are a cute couple

by Jajdbxka October 11, 2019