random person walking to the hot teacher hey teacher hi why u kinda ya know 😏 hot
What. I dont know
Know bout
Rollin down
In teh deepp. When ur brain goes numb and u call that mental freeze
ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞstop talking too much put that shit in slow motion i feeel like an astrounot in teh ocen yelp Hdeuhrfijborfiugrohugty. Mama miaa
-hmmmmm look at this dowload minecraft free ඞඞ!! *clicks*
What u know bout rolin down in the deep
Telling someone that they know the person they are talking about
U know who im talking about
a quote from the legend himself, simon.b.k. He was having an epic beatbox battle with a pal, when suddenly he was faced with a challenge to for even the legend, the idol, a man of much respect and honor. He.... *cries in shame* could in fact not do the waterdrop sound effect :(
"u know i can't do the waterdrop"