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@everyone ur mum gae

Hell nah butt hell so a guy just is hell momma gae

me on discord @everyone ur mum gae

by Momma just sexy July 21, 2019

ur mum gae lol

Something that someone in the presents of a bunch of memers will sub-consciously type into their search bar while thinking of something else while their parents are in the room.

You may laugh when you hear this, cry because your mother divorced your father because she's gay or angry because you hear this from the zoomers on the bus.

mum and dad: *mumble* *mumble*
me: I wonder what they are saying...
the search bar: ur mum gae lol

by ur mums friends cousin sherry October 18, 2021

Ur mum gae 69420 nigger nigger nigger 6969696969696969

Different opinion
Something you’re not allowed to have.
Mike: In my own personal opinion, *insert music artist* is slightly overrated.

Sarah: Your opinion is wrong, mine is right. Because of this, we can no longer be friends, and I now wish the most brutal death upon you at every turn you make in your sad worthless existence. I can not put the words together to fully express my hatred for you right now. I pray to God from this point forward that he will spare the rest of world from ever having to come in contact with you by terminating You via orbital laser cannon. Even the deepest, darkest underbelly of hell is not fit for the likes of scum like you. Hopefully God will banish you to an even lower abyss beneath Hitler himself. You deserve to die a thousand deaths every single day within an endless time loop that you have no control over. You will be the puppet, and I would love nothing more than to be the puppeteer. I would document every step that you attempt to take, and rightfully punish you for even trying to move forward, as you would not have nor deserve such a basic human right. I wait ever so eagerly for this day. I wait for the day that you finally reach your inevitable demise you sad, pathetic, lonely, worthless, soulless, spineless, pitiful little man.

Mike: K

Different opinion from someone else, especially a majority= a usual dismissal of this different belief, rather than a rightful acceptance of it.

Different opinion
Something you’re not allowed to have.
Mike: In my own personal opinion, *insert music artist* is slightly overrated.

Sarah: Your opinion is wrong, mine is right. Because of this, we can no longer be friends, and I now wish the most brutal death upon you at every turn you make in your sad worthless existence. I can not put the words together to fully express my hatred for you right now. I pray to God from this point forward that he will spare the rest of world from ever having to come in contact with you by terminating You via orbital laser cannon. Even the deepest, darkest underbelly of hell is not fit for the likes of scum like you. Hopefully God will banish you to an even lower abyss beneath Hitler himself. You deserve to die a thousand deaths every single day within an endless time loop that you have no control over. You will be the puppet, and I would love nothing more than to be the puppeteer. I would document every step that you attempt to take, and rightfully punish you for even trying to move forward, as you would not have nor deserve such a basic human right. I wait ever so eagerly for this day. I wait for the day that you finally reach your inevitable demise you sad, pathetic, lonely, worthless, soulless, spineless, pitiful little man.

Mike: K

Different opinion from someone else, especially a majority= a usual dismissal of this different belief, rather than a rightful acceptance of it.

Ur mum gae 69420 nigger nigger nigger 6969696969696969

by Airstrikingboss October 7, 2021

16👍 7👎

Ur mum megtra gae

The final stage of "Your Mum Gae" Ur mum megtra gae

I said to my friend "ur Mum gae" he said "ur mum megtra gae"

by ultra gae September 26, 2019

ur mum and dad gae together lul

This insult is the WORST POSSIBLE insult in the entire existance of man. if one should say this the elder god himself will eat ur mum AND big chungus

Tom: U gay as hell brotha
Jeff: Ur Mum Gae

Tom ur pap a trap

Jeff: ur sister a mister

Tom: dont make me do it

Jeff: do it bish!!!!111!
Tom: Ur mum and dad gae together lul

Jeff and his mother and big chungus were eaten by the elder god and is ded

by Markdabetterer_M9 April 11, 2021

Ur mum gae

A nuclear-level comeback from an insult

B: you’re a disappointment to your parents
J:ur mum gae
B: I’m gonna go use option E now

by Booty stealer April 28, 2022